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Playing With / Not Right in the Bed

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Basic Trope: A sign a character is possessed, an imposter, or body-swapped is when they start acting hornier, less horny, or otherwise different in a sexual or romantic way.

  • Straight:
    • Alice gets possessed by a demon, and subsequently starts groping her boyfriend Bob and trying to get him to sleep with her.
    • Alice gets possessed by a demon, and subsequently stops being so horny.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice was initially asexual, but when possessed, starts groping every guy (and maybe also every woman) she sees.
    • Alice was initially pansexual, but when possessed, immediately starts going chaste.
  • Downplayed: A sign Alice is possessed is she's slightly better or worse in bed than usual.
  • Justified:
    • The demon was a succubus.
    • The demon wanted to know how human sex worked.
    • Alice acts hornier when she swaps bodies with Carly.
    • Two demons were required to possess a man and a woman, who'd then have sex to open an interdimensional portal.
    • The demon doesn't know what Alice is like beyond that Bob is the guy she sleeps with.
    • The demon is trying to have a baby.
  • Inverted: Bob suspects Alice of being possessed, but after sleeping with her, he feels reassured that she isn't because she's the same as ever in the bedroom.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice starts acting more sexually towards Bob, who wonders if she's possessed, but she's not.
    • The possessed Alice walks Bob into her bedroom and... does something nonsexual.
  • Double Subverted:
    • She's a clone instead.
    • But then Bob decides they should have sex afterwards, and when they do, Alice acts a lot different.
  • Parodied:
  • Zigzagged: When Alice is possessed, she has the same libido as the real Alice... but she also has a kink that the real Alice doesn't have... on the other hand, she kisses the same as the real Alice...
  • Averted:
    • Alice is always who she appears to be.
    • Being possessed doesn't affect Alice's sexual/romantic behaviour, or we can't tell if it does due to No Hugging, No Kissing.
  • Enforced: The producers couldn't tell whether to make a particular scene sexy or terrifying, so they went both ways.
  • Lampshaded: "Demons are always much hornier than humans!"
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: People deliberately get possessed by demons, with some precautions to ensure they can regain control, as an aphrodisiac.
  • Defied: The demon studies Alice's romantic/sexual behaviour before possessing her so it can properly emulate her.
  • Discussed: "Signs of demonic possession include levitation, blank stare, changes in sexual behaviour..."
  • Conversed: "Why is it that when a character is possessed, they immediately start acting either a lot sexier or a lot less sexy?"
  • Implied: Alice mysteriously gets a lot more horny for one episode, but it's not confirmed that she was possessed.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
    • The possessed Alice ends up raping Bob, and it doesn't shy away from Bob's trauma.
    • Alice herself is traumatized by having to helplessly watch while the demon forces her to engage in sexual acts that disgust her.
  • Played for Horror:

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