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Playing With / Not in Front of the Parrot!

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Basic Trope: A parrot learns to say something the character doesn't want them to say.

  • Straight: Alice calls Bob an idiot but then the parrot who was nearby starts saying "You are an idiot!" to everyone nearby, including people she wants to impress or who are easily offended.
  • Exaggerated: The parrot learns to say everything Alice doesn't like.
  • Downplayed: The parrot learns the word "idiot" but doesn't appear to be calling other people idiots.
  • Justified: Alice has called Bob an idiot several times, so the parrot learned through repetition.
  • Inverted: The children learn bad words from a parrot who can already say them, or the parrot says "That's rude" to someone who is being rude, or the parrot only learns things that it is specifically asked to say.
  • Subverted: Alice just misheard what the parrot was saying.
  • Double Subverted: It then says "You are an idiot!".
  • Parodied: The parrot is teasing them on purpose.
  • Zig Zagged: The parrot does learn the phrase "You are an idiot" but Alice is not the only person who said it in front of the parrot, so nobody knows where the parrot learned it from.
  • Averted: There are no parrots, the parrot doesn't speak, or the parrot doesn't learn something awkward.
  • Lampshaded: "Did my parrot just learn that?!"
  • Enforced: To throw in some Cringe Comedy.
  • Invoked: Bob deliberately teaches the parrot to say something Alice wanted to keep secret.
  • Exploited: Bob volunteers to pet-sit Alice's parrot, in hopes it will repeat her secrets, and then uses them to blackmail her.
  • Defied: Alice never says anything awkward with the parrot nearby.
  • Discussed: "How do I keep my parrot from learning things I don't want her to learn?" "Keep her out of the room or quit saying those things."
  • Conversed: "Is that parrot gonna learn it? Cartoon parrots have a way of doing so!"
  • Played for Laughs: The parrot engages into a profanity-laden 5-minutes long Gratuitous Rap sequence, which ends with a Mic Drop, and a long Beat shot of a very confused audience.
  • Played for Drama: The parrot says some deep dark secret.

Shh! Don't mention the link in front of the parrot!
