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Playing With / Never Split the Party

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Basic Trope: A group decides that they're not going to split up.

  • Straight: Alice, Bob, Carla, and Don decide to stay together while investigating an abandoned building for safety in numbers.
  • Exaggerated: Alice, Bob, Carla, and Don do everything together, remaining in a group even when sleeping.
  • Downplayed: The group mostly stays together, but Don investigates one of the less-scary rooms on his own while the others are taking a break.
  • Justified: The group expect to encounter hazards while in the building. More people together means more who can call 911 if the others get into an accident.
  • Inverted: Let's Split Up, Gang!
  • Subverted: The group decide to do this, but end up getting lost and separated anyway.
  • Double Subverted: They find each other again, and from then on go in a tighter group.
  • Parodied: Alice, Bob, Carla, and Don do entirely safe and mundane activities (such as chores) in a tight-knit group, and refuse to split up for any reason.
  • Zig Zagged: The group keeps splitting up, then finding each other again, and getting split up again.
  • Averted: The group don't consider what they're doing dangerous enough to stay together.
  • Enforced:
    • "What we need in this story is big-group interactions. If we split them up, we won't get that"
    • "Alice is Genre Savvy. We should have her show it by protesting a Let's Split Up, Gang!."
  • Lampshaded: "That should be the first rule for people in horror movies: you never split the party."
  • Invoked: The group watches a lot of horror movies. They're going in a group so as to not make the same mistakes as the movie protagonists do.
  • Exploited: Eve uses this opportunity to spy on them, since she's just one person and it's easier to keep track of a large group.
  • Defied: The group decides against staying together.
  • Discussed: "There's a high probability of bad things happening in here. We should stay together to be safe."
  • Conversed: "Why do people in horror movies keep splitting up? It's safer to stay in a group."
  • Deconstructed: Staying in a group gives them the speed of the slowest person in a group, and means that any accident that happens is likely to happen to all of them at once.
  • Reconstructed: They manage to escape the accident by helping each other, something they wouldn't have been able to do if they had split up, and they all agree that safety comes before speed.
  • Implied: Alice, Bob, Carla, and Don enter the abandoned building in one group, and leave in one group, although what they did while inside isn't shown.

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