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Playing With / Never Recycle a Building

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Basic Trope: An abandoned building important to the plot will remain conveniently available, no matter how much time has passed or how useful its location.

  • Straight: Alice goes to the childhood home of her grandmother in search of a family heirloom. The abandoned house is in a quiet neighborhood, dusty yet undisturbed despite the booming neighborhood around it.
  • Exaggerated: Alice finds the home in the middle of the city, undisturbed under a four-level freeway overpass.
  • Downplayed: The house is ringed with Caution! tape, and has a "Condemned" sign nailed to the front door.
  • Justified:
    • Alice's great-grandfather was an influential councillor who got a local law passed stipulating that the property would not be disturbed for any reason.
    • The story is set After the End, and Alice is one of the few people remaining. There's simply no one else around who would want to use the building for some other purpose.
    • The town's Historical Society managed to get the place protected.
    • The house has a bad reputation (it's believed to be haunted or something), so no one wants to buy it.
    • The land it's situated on belongs to a person/company that, due to administrative kerfuffles, cannot be traced, so until the land-claim expires in 22 years, assuming the owner doesn't renew said claim, nothing can be done about it.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice's job involves finding long-undisturbed properties, then buying them for demolition and redevelopment.
    • Alice's grandmother's house was torn down, despite being in the middle of the country were few people would notice it.
    • Railroad Plot
  • Subverted:
    • Alice goes to the address, only to find that an office building is there now.
    • Alice returns and finds that the house is rented out by the new owner.
  • Double Subverted:
    • When Alice enters the building, she finds that the home is sitting undisturbed in an indoor atrium in the center of the courtyard.
    • The renter hasn't actually moved in or done anything to the house itself nor has any plans to, and the current legal landlord doesn't really care beyond getting rent and not causing active problems what the "tenant" does or doesn't do. As far as Alice and the plot is concerned, it's functionally unoccupied.
  • Parodied: The building has been perfectly preserved due to the efforts of the Alice's Convenience Historical Society.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's grandmother's house is still intact, but Bob's childhood home, the location of the next plot coupon, has been torn down for a Evil-Mart parking lot. Carol's favorite restaurant is still there, but they took out the bar and changed it from Thai cooking to Vietnamese.
  • Averted: Alice's grandmother's house was torn down.
  • Enforced: Alice's grandmother's house was so iconic and marketable that executive veto stopped its destruction.
  • Lampshaded: "It's amazing that this house has been sitting here undisturbed for decades."
  • Invoked: The city planner knows the house has an expensive heirloom hidden inside that requires a descendant to find, so he kept the house undisturbed until then.
  • Exploited: The city planner is preparing to ambush Alice after she finds the heirloom and steal it.
  • Defied: The city planner is part of an Ancient Conspiracy who knows the heirloom is the key to summoning an Eldritch Abomination. He quickly orders the home destroyed and has a parking structure built on the site to bury it.
  • Discussed: Bob tells Alice, "You're nuts if you think that your grandma's old abandoned house will still be there after all these years."
  • Conversed: "The movie would be a lot shorter if she finds the old house has been torn down and paved over, wouldn't it?"
  • Implied: There are many buildings showing signs of decay and with abandoned technology that's at least a half-century out of date.
  • Deconstructed: The presence of the ramshackle old house has been a longtime local blight, and the neighbors insult Alice and her family when they learn who she is.
  • Reconstructed: Alice's great-grandmother is still revered by the community even after she was forced to flee decades ago. Her house has been preserved and maintained because of it, the street has even been renamed after her.
  • Plotted a Good Waste: The preservation of the area is linked to the heirloom's powers the areas enclosing the area in a pocket dimension — it is Invisible to Normals.

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