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Playing With / Mouse World

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Basic Trope: An entire society comprised of small creatures, where everything that's normally human sized is gargantuan by comparison.

  • Straight: Sally the Spider, along with her friends, live in a room that's treated like a rather small community. Nobody is even aware of its existence.
  • Exaggerated: That's not the only community there; The entire household is essentially one large country. Each room is like a different city, which is divided into portions of the room. Somehow, nobody even notices the comical abundance of cobwebs.
  • Downplayed: The society isn't that large, being confined solely to under the room's bed, which makes it easier to conceal.
  • Justified:
    • The humans don't know that there is such things happening in their homes, which means Sally and her friends can take refuge there.
    • Sally and her friends put up an extremely complex masquerade.
    • There are no humans to speak of.
    • Sally and her friends take refuge in somewhere that the humans don't visit often; The basement, the attic, or any spare rooms in the house itself.
  • Inverted: Humans are the ones that live in obscenely gargantuan living areas.
  • Subverted:
    • As it turns out, everything in Sally's community is surprisingly not that big by comparison; Sally may be a Giant Spider herself.
    • The community is suddenly revealed to the humans. Cue Mass "Oh, Crap!".
  • Double Subverted:
    • Oh, wait; That's just the camera making it seem like these creatures are as big as the appliances they use imply; The appliances are actually completely functioning miniatures.
    • The community migrates into a much more subtle and hidden area.
  • Parodied:
    • Continuing from exaggerated, there's a different household with different species of creatures; Sally's household is comprised entirely of spiders, her long-distance boyfriend Cyrus the Centipede is in a household comprised entirely of centipedes. And don't even get started on creatures from the big city; There are Lilliputians that operate in large, bustling cities.
    • Continuing from that, countries and continents are treated as alternate universes; Another spider house, this time somewhere in London, has Samantha the Spider instead of Sally.
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether or not there exists a Mouse World is completely and entirely Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted: There is no such hidden society.
  • Enforced: The writers wonder how there could be such a world and decide to make an entire work about that.
  • Lampshaded: Sally remarks: "Is there a possibility that humans will one day notice us?"
  • Invoked: Some surprisingly kind humans refuse to see literal arachnids as vermin and make a nice little home for them. How sweet.
  • Exploited: Sally and her friends use the secrecy of their society to plot their own things without human interference.
  • Defied: The humans either hire exterminators or do some extra cleaning to prevent such a world from happening.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob, the owners of their house, ponder if there's something lurking within the house, considering that food is constantly disappearing from their tables.
  • Conversed: Claire and Daniel, the audience of the work, ponder if there's something similar happening within the house. They may or may not be high on drugs.

Hey, look! A secret entrance to the Mouse World!
