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Playing With / Mini-Mecha

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Basic Trope: A mech bigger than a Powered Armor, but smaller than the Humongous kind.

  • Straight: Body Busto is a robot designed to be bigger than a knight's armor but not bigger than a tower.
  • Exaggerated: Body Busto is a human-sized robot with a pilot seat on its back bigger than it is.
  • Downplayed: Body Busto is a Spider Tank, and while quite large, its mass is distributed horizontally, making it rather short.
  • Justified:
    • The society needs smaller robots to prevent collateral damage while on duty.
    • Body Busto (as well as the other Troper mechs) was only meant for air combat, so its arms are thin, while its legs taper to a point, since it'd be crushed under its own weight if it were a giant robot.
  • Inverted: Humongous Mecha
  • Subverted: Body Busto seems to be a fully functional robot, but is actually the head for a much larger one.
  • Double Subverted: ...One that is a Combining Mecha, with the finalized Body Busto being able to detach and operate separately if needed.
  • Parodied: Body Busto isn't a Humongous Mecha because the government doesn't allow it.
  • Zig Zagged: Body Busto seems to be a functional robot, but is actually the head for a larger one. Titanic Terror appears to be a Humongous Mecha, but is actually just a Mini-Mecha projecting a hologram. Finally, Finite Flier appears to be a straight up Mini-Mecha, but is actually piloted by Lilliputians who consider it Humongous instead.
  • Averted: Body Busto is of a average size.
  • Enforced: Body Busto was designed for a Merchandise-Driven series, and needs to be to scale with the action figure line.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do you even pilot the Body Busto? Normal Powered Armor sounds easier to manage, but if you wanted power then you should have gotten an actual Humongous Mecha."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "When you said Body Busto was a giant robot, I thought you were talking the size of a skyscraper. This thing could fit in my garage!"

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