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Playing With / Mass "Oh, Crap!"

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Basic Trope: A whole group of people realise they're screwed and react accordingly.

  • Straight: The main group of protagonists is in a cave, when they hear a loud roaring noise and then a ferocious monster comes out of the darkness. Everyone gets an "uh-oh" expression on their faces.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • They already look scared because the cave is known for being the home of dangerous monsters. When the monster comes, they look a bit more scared and a select few of them gasp out loud, but not much beyond that.
    • Only about half of the team gets worried expressions.
    • Everyone's faces merely say "This Is Gonna Suck".
  • Justified: Well, wouldn't you be scared too if a monster came out and wanted to kill you and your friends?
  • Inverted: There's already a monster there at the beginning of the scene, and when it's killed, everyone says, "Yay!".
  • Subverted: The main villain sets the monster loose in the cave and watches for a reaction, only to be surprised when they don't react at all.
  • Double Subverted: ...and then they start reacting.
  • Parodied:
  • Zigzagged: Alice looks scared, Bob remains stoic, Charles Screams Like a Little Girl, Dave holds onto Charles, and Emily instantly starts fighting the monster despite looking slightly nervous while doing so.
  • Averted:
    • The protagonists are never in any real danger.
    • Whenever the protagonists are in danger, none, or only one or two of them, emote.
  • Enforced: "We need to let the audience know that the protagonists are just as scared of the antagonist as they are!".
  • Lampshaded: "Look at you lot showing fear like a bunch of scaredy-cats!"
  • Invoked: The monster was roaring and leaping out like that deliberately to scare the team.
  • Exploited: The monster attacks while everyone's distracted.
  • Defied: "Nobody express any emotion..."
  • Discussed: "...and we were all like, 'Oh no!'"
  • Conversed: "I will never forget the looks on their faces when the cave monster thing came out in that scene!"
  • Implied: We don't see the team while they're in the cave, but we hear a roar and then multiple screams, though it's unclear how many people are screaming and who the people are who are screaming.
  • Deconstructed: While everyone's emoting, the monster jumps and attacks Bob.
  • Reconstructed: ...Who instantly fights back. There's a difference between 'visibly afraid' and 'panicking'.
  • Played for Laughs: Everyone's freak-outs consist of high pitched girly screaming and running around aimlessly.
  • Played for Drama: While everyone's freaking out, the monster ends up severely injuring Alice.

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