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Playing With / Literal-Minded

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Basic Trope: Someone tends to take expressions literally.

  • Straight: After Bob tells Alice to "Hit the road", Alice goes out and punches the road.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a demon, and is told by Bob to "go to Hell" during an argument. The gates of hell open and Alice swan-dives in.
  • Downplayed:
    • After telling Alice "throw that away" she tosses something at a trash can from a distance instead of dropping it in from a shorter distance.
    • Bob tells Alice to leave him alone, so Alice tells everyone else present to leave the room with her.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Alice twists even the most straightforward statements into the most ridiculous metaphorical interpretations, as in:
  • Subverted: Alice is told to hit the road; she looks like she's going to hit it, but she just leaves.
  • Double Subverted: However, when she's told to go fly a kite, she does so.
  • Parodied: In a short time frame she "hits the road", "goes kite flying", "chases a wild goose", "shoots a fish in a barrel" and "puts an Elephant in the Living Room".
  • Zig-Zagged: When Alice is asked to "hit the road", she just walks away. When she is asked to "go fly a kite", she buys a kite and flies it. When someone says "Alice could not hit the broad side of a barn", she punches the barn. She, somehow, misses.
  • Averted: Despite the cast using many ideas, nobody ever takes them literally.
  • Enforced: We need people to know Alice is a Robot Girl. Let's have her punch roads when asked to hit the road.
  • Lampshaded: "Um, OK, but I don't see what I'm accomplishing by doing this..." [Punch]
  • Invoked: Alice's parents don't teach her about figurative language.
  • Exploited: Alice becomes a target of mockery for her rival.
  • Defied:
    • Alice downloads a software patch to help her understand figures of speech.note 
    • Alice studies more figurative languages to improve her language skills.
    • Bob avoids using figurative language around Alice because he knows that she won't understand what he means; instead of telling her to "hit the road", he tells her to leave.
    • Alice asks "What do you mean by that?" instead of going out and literally punching the road.
  • Discussed:
    Bob: You have got to stop punching roads, Alice.
    Alice: Then stop telling me to.
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice's literal-mindedness annoys others, preventing her from socializing with potential friends. This results in her becoming lonely and eventually committing suicide. Not to mention her fist hurts.
  • Reconstructed: Alice meets several other literal-minded people who decide to start their own community where they can be as literal as they like.
  • Implied: Alice and Bob are at a bar, and Bob asks for a Dry Martini. Alice stares at the drink in confusion, surprised that it is a liquid.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Bob and Alice have the next exchange...
      Bob: Well I will be a monkey's uncle.
      Alice: You should talk to your brother about his taste in women.
    • "You crack me up." "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."
  • Played for Drama: Alice is nearly hit by a car while she is hitting the road.

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