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Playing With / Lightning Bruiser

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Basic Trope: A character who is faster, stronger, and more resilient than others.

  • Straight: General Drake can run faster than the heroes, hurts them badly after a few hits, and seems to shrug off most of their attacks.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Drake is a Master of All who possesses inhuman attributes. He runs like a cheetah, hits with the force of a runaway freight train, and shrugs off direct hits from missiles.
    • Drake, in addition to above, is able to dash at the speed of light, hit with the power of an atomic bomb, and becomes impervious to all forms of damage.
    • Drake's toughness, speed, and strength are shockingly infinite and overwhelming, which in return makes him a nigh-unbeatable powerhouse until a reliable way of defeating him was discovered, like some select powers that technically affects his abilities, like a person with an infinite amount of strength (Absolute Strength) to oppose his Invulnerability.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Drake may be fast and strong, but he can't take a hit: he’s a Glass Cannon.
    • Drake is strong, fast, and tough... but he's got no stamina. Anyone who survives until he wears himself out will easily be able to turn the tables.
    • Drake's strength, durability, and speed are not unnaturally high, but they are still enough for him to effectively fight opponents, making him a lightning bruiser of the enhanced level category.
    • Drake may be strong, resilient and quick footed, but he's anything but quick witted, making it embarrassingly easy to remove him from the fight with a distraction.
  • Double Subverted: However, while his constitution is poor, he makes use of armor, a Healing Factor, and/or painkillers to negate this weakness.
  • Parodied:
    • Emperor Evulz plays catch with Drake by throwing a football as far as he can, then watching as his second-in-command catches and returns it within seconds.
    • Drake is asked what his weaknesses are. He just laughs and says: "Weakness? What's that?"
    • Drake is a Comically Invincible Villain. His weakest hits somehow OneHit Kills, can outpace light itself, and is described as barely killable. To the point where the heroes are befuddled as to why he hasn't deposed by himself Evulz at this point.
  • Zig Zagged:
  • Averted: No one who contains a stellar, as opposed to average, mix of all these traits appears in the story.
  • Enforced: "The heroes need to use their brains to defeat their enemies every once in a while. So let's give them an opponent who is too strong, too fast and too tough to physically defeat".
  • Lampshaded: "This guy's faster, stronger and tougher than any of us!"
  • Invoked: Drake trains until his power matches his speed.
  • Exploited: Gordon tricks Drake into charging at him and dodges. Since Drake is both Too Fast to Stop and too strong to be stopped, there's nothing he can do to avoid smashing through the barriers protecting him from the spikes behind it.
  • Defied: Drake, who is a Jack of All Stats, stumbles upon a Super-Soldier serum which could exponentially increase his physical abilities. However, drinking the serum carries the risk of being stupid. Drake, not wanting to be a Dumb Muscle, chooses not drink the serum and walks away.
  • Discussed: "We can't beat Drake in a fight. So we'll have to beat him using our brains".
  • Conversed: "Well, so much for competitive balance."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Drake's extraordinary speed and strength makes him cocky in battle, leading him to underestimate the Weak, but Skilled heroes. His arrogant and gullible nature allows him to be easily tricked and ambushed, and it leads to his sound defeat.
    • A mech with such extraordinary armor, strength and speed will need to expend more energy to lug its bulk around, giving it very limited active time compared to standard issue mechs.
    • Drake class mechs are fast, tough, and destructive; why wouldn't you buy them by the dozen? The overwhelming price tag. A squad of drakes will crush an unprepared foe but lose badly to well-commanded squads of inferior but much cheaper specialist mechs working in tandem.
    • Drakes are fast, tough, and powerful predators, but they don't have the stamina for a long chase...
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs: "We can’t outrun him!" "That’s fine, I only have to outrun you!"
  • Played For Drama: Bob, Rin, Alice, Richard and Lana are not nearly as strong, fast or durable as Drake, and as a result they suffer a horrific No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.

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