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Playing With / Leave No Witnesses

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Basic Trope: Killing anyone who sees you do something wrong so you can get away with it easier.
  • Straight: Bobby shoots everyone he sees so that there are no witnesses.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bobby kills everyone in the city so nobody ever can see him.
    • Everyone in the planet is killed, because you can't be seen if there's nobody to see you.
  • Justified: Someone saw Bobby, and he doesn't know who, so he concludes it's just easier to kill everyone and hope he gets them in the process.
  • Inverted: Stealth Expert, but with less killing.
  • Subverted: Bobby tries to kill everyone so nobody snitches on him... but leaves one guy he didn't notice.
  • Double Subverted: But Bobby double-checked, and got him anyways.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Averted: Everyone is alive, and well aware of the crime.
  • Enforced: Everyone being killed for being a witness is a core plot element.
  • Implied: A news article states that everyone nearby was killed, and there were no living witnesses.
  • Downplayed: Some witnesses are killed. The ones who live are probably bribed to pretend nothing happened.
  • Played for Drama: Everyone is rushing out, and Bobby has to get them before someone gets the cops on them.
  • Played for Horror: Bobby kills Alice in an extremely gruesome way, out in the open, and kills everyone who sees it.
  • Lampshaded: "I don't like to leave any witnesses."
  • Invoked: Someone's about to call the cops on Bobby. Bobby doesn't know who, so he just kills everyone.
  • Defied: Bobby kills one guy, but decides it's too much for him and just runs away with the cash instead.
  • Exploited: Bobby disguises himself as one of the witnesses, and runs away once the cops leave him alone for long enough.
  • Discussed: "Did you guys really kill everyone who saw you?!"

Leave No Witnesses prefers to not leave witnesses. Remain ignorant.
