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Playing With / Last Wish Marriage

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Basic Trope Description: A character in danger of dying soon still wants to marry another character before death.

  • Straight: Alice is severely ill with cancer, and she still gets married to Bob on her deathbed.
  • Exaggerated: The deadly bullet is already flying towards Alice, and she and Bob still exchange their wedding vows in the decisive second.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob are in a May–December Romance, with Alice on the December side. They get married since Alice just cannot expect to live on for much more than a decade.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob wanted to get married soon anyway.
    • Alice and Bob want to be able to still have sex with each other at least once and believe that sex belongs into marriage.
    • Alice wants Bob to be able to get a widower's pension to support himself in the future.
    • It is a Wartime Wedding, and one of them or both are going to take part in combat soon.
  • Inverted: Alice's Last Request is to divorce Bob.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice proposes to Bob on her sickbed, but Bob declines.
    • Alice and Bob get married at her bedside, but she falls unconscious, so the marriage isn't legal.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Then he rethinks and decides that he wants to marry Alice too, and they get married.
    • Alice wakes up again, and they can finish the ceremony.
  • Enforced: The producers want the romance of Alice and Bob to be crowned with a wedding before Alice's death scene is to be shot.
  • Averted: Alice's Last Request doesn't involve Bob or marriage.
  • Zig-Zagged: First, Alice is doubtful about her wish, but then proposes to Bob. He declines first, but later says yes. Both plan their wedding, but then Bob gets cold feet. He decides to marry Alice anyway, just for her father to decline. And then the priest cannot come...
  • Parodied: When exchanging their vows, Alice screams "Yes!" from the top of her lungs and then suffers a Black Comedy death from exhaustion.
  • Invoked: Alice's daughter Carol wants Bob as her stepfather, so she asks her mother to marry him before she dies.
  • Exploited: Bob gets married to Alice only to get her inheritance.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob are ready for marriage, and waiting for the priest to come. But the priest needs to long and Alice dies before they can exchange their vows.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do people always want to get married when one of them is on the verge of death?"
  • Discussed: Bob visits Alice in hospital. Alice proposes to Bob and explains her last wish. They both talk about the idea and figure out chances, risks and the way they want it to be done together.
  • Conversed: "So they can still become husband and wife...what a beautiful couple!"
  • Implied: A priest, some flower bouquets, a veil and a layered cake are rushed into Alice's hospital room, and Bob follows in his finest suit.
  • Deconstructed: Alice is too weak for a wedding at this point and doesn't get red flags any longer, like Bob clearly being Only in It for the Money.
  • Reconstructed: But Alice and Bob genuinely love each other despite each other's flaws, and it is a beautiful celebration in the hospital.
