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Playing With / Lady Looks Like a Dude

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Basic Trope: A woman looks like a man.

  • Straight: Alice has short hair, a relatively flat chest, and a deep voice, leading others to mistake her for a man.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • One person mistakes Alice for a man, but it is cleared up quick. Alice herself is a tomboy.
    • Alice is tall and has a masculine body shape, and the people who mistake Alice for a man have only catched glimpses of her or seen her from a distance. Once they meet her in person and/or hear her talk, all confusion is cleared immediately.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Dude Looks Like a Lady.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: Alice was joking about being a man.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice has large breasts, so she is clearly a woman, but she is still mistaken for a dude due to her deep voice and her Boyish Short Hair.
    • Alice looks, dresses, acts, and sounds completely Girly Girl according to the audiences, but in-universe characters still mistake her for a dude. Bonus points if there are so many Dude Looks Like a Lady in the cast.
    • ... And to make things "worse", even Alice herself forgets the fact that she is also a woman too!
  • Zig Zagged: Some people think Alice looks like a dude, some don't.
  • Averted: Alice is female, and looks female.
  • Enforced:
    • The author is a feminist, and is trying to subvert gender stereotypes.
    • Alice is played by a man.
  • Lampshaded: "Sorry, miss, I thought you were a man."
  • Invoked: Alice decides to look male to avoid unwanted attention, or for disguising reason.
  • Exploited: Alice uses the fact that she looks like a dude to pull a Sweet Polly Oliver in a place that doesn't allow women.
  • Defied: When Alice realizes she looks male, she quickly decides to undergo a Girliness Upgrade.
  • Discussed:
    Bob: "Hey, Alice! Have you ever been mistaken for a man?"
    Alice: "No. Have you?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
    • Being mistaken for a man causes Alice to hate herself and have an identity crisis.
    • Alex's parents wanted a boy, and she was Raised as the Opposite Gender. Alex wants to appear more feminine but has trouble deviating from her upbringing.
  • Deconstructed: Alice begins to hate her masculine features, since it means she'll never be taken seriously as a woman.
  • Reconstructed: In the end, Alice embraces her masculine looks, and instead of pushing her self to be more feminine, she decides to go the Bifauxnen route.
  • Implied: A masculine-looking Ambiguous Gender person is called "Alice."
  • Untwisted: Alice goes outside with gender-neutral outfits and no makeup, and is mistaken for a man, making her realize that wearing makeup and dress was the only way she can do to make people see her as a woman.

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