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Playing With / Inferiority Superiority Complex

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Basic Trope: A person acts arrogant to cover their insecurity.

  • Straight: Dave has low self esteem, so he talks about his accomplishments or puts others down.
  • Exaggerated: Dave feels truly worthless, so he constantly puts down everyone with obvious lies.
  • Downplayed:
    • Occasionally Dave reminds others of cool things he can do because he’s feeling insecure, but not enough to be his defining trait.
    • Dave fakes being secure about himself, but isn't outright arrogant.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Dave acts overly humble to cover up his massive ego.
  • Subverted:
    • It seems as though Dave is a jerk because he’s insecure, but when confronted on it he reveals that no, he’s just a jerk...
    • Dave states that he knows people think he's a stuck-up jerk but isn't bothered by their low opinion of him...
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but he only did that because he was ashamed of his insecurity.
    • ...because he's so used to not being taken seriously that he loses his overconfident front when somebody shows that they actually like him.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: There are times where Dave seems to lash out or act arrogant do to his insecurities being pressed, but then there are also times where he treats others poorly for no other reason than his enjoyment or amusement while displaying zero insecurities.
  • Averted:
    • Dave doesn’t cover up his insecurity.
    • Dave is genuinely self-confident and has no insecurity to cover.
  • Enforced: The author is told his rival character is one-dimensional, so he gives Dave crippling insecurity as a reason for his arrogant front.
  • Lampshaded: "That's Dave. He's a dickhead, but for some reason I think he's secretly depressed."
  • Invoked: Dave is a high-ranking henchman of Emperor Evulz; Evulz simultaneously grinds out every sign of self-worth in his subordinates by reminding them that they are fools he only allows to live for the moment, and forces them to uphold the superior image of his empire.
  • Exploited: Dave is The Hero’s tagalong friend; Emperor Evulz sees this tendency and goes out of his way to grind down his self esteem to drive a wedge between them.
  • Defied: Ted, who knows that Dave is depressed, gives him a "Reason You Suck" Speech in response to his abrasive behavior:
    Ted: "Dave, I don't give a flying fuck that you're depressed. If you're gonna be an asshole, you will be treated like one. UNDERSTAND?"

  • Discussed: "I bet those jerks go home and cry at night because they know they suck."
  • Conversed: "Have you seen this study that says many bullies are just putting people down to feel better about themselves?"
  • Implied: Dave is just an arrogant person around other characters, but when he’s alone there are hints of his insecurity for the audience.
  • Deconstructed: Dave’s insecurity pushes people away until he’s friendless and depressed, he can't get promoted because his coworkers and bosses think he's annoying, and attempt at dating never get past the first meeting, so he goes to therapy to have a functioning social life.
  • Reconstructed: The therapy shows progress and Dave begins to meet people who can be proud of him for his real achievements. He becomes less abrasive and begins to be able to hold a job and a circle of friends.

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