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Playing With / Illness Blanket

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Basic Trope: Sick people sit bundled in blankets.

  • Straight: Bob gets sick and spends the day sitting around wrapped in a blanket.
  • Exaggerated: Bob gets sick and wraps so many blankets around himself it creates a cocoon.
  • Downplayed: Bob suffers from seasonal allergies and spends the day wearing a jacket.
  • Justified: Bob has chills because of the illness, making him want to bundle up.
  • Inverted: After Bob gets sick, he takes off his clothes and opens the windows wide.
  • Subverted: Bob is sitting wrapped in a blanket in the middle of the day and he looks sick... but his heater turns out to be broken.
  • Double Subverted: Bob is sitting wrapped in a blanket in the middle of the day and he looks sick... but his heater turns out to be broken. But then he gets an illness because of the cold, and keeps sitting and moving around in a blanket.
  • Parodied: Bob gets sick. Alice keeps piling blankets on top of him, long after he's tried telling her that he's got enough and she should stop. Eventually he can't even turn over.
  • Averted: Bob doesn't swath himself in blankets when he gets sick.
  • Enforced: "Hey, director, nice story line you have there, but your ill girl doesn't look ill enough. Wrap her in a blanket for the next episode, will ya?"
  • Lampshaded: Alice points out that being wrapped up in a blanket is connected to illness.
    Bob: Oh... so you got a bug, huh?
    Alice: Really? Was it the blanket that tipped you off?
  • Exploited: Alice wraps Bob in the new blanket she made when she sees he's getting sick.
  • Defied: Bob refuses to sit in bed in his blanket all day, even when he's very sick.
  • Discussed: "Alice always wraps her kids in blankets when they get sick."
  • Conversed: "How do you spot ill girls in movies? Blankets and thermometers in their mouths should tip you off."
  • Played for Laughs: Bob's blanket has a silly pattern on it.
  • Implied: Bob sits in a blanket and sneezes periodically into a tissue.

Back to Illness Blanket. Make sure you bundle up!
