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Playing With / Hypocritical Humor

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Basic Trope: A character criticizes or ridicules another for a certain quality they themselves possess as a form of comedy.

  • Straight: Bob calls Charlie out on overspending on socks, yet he himself spends almost his entire paycheck on capsule machine toys and crane games.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob gives Charlie a full on "The Reason You Suck" Speech, yet everything negative trait he lists, he also possesses.
    • Bob accuses Charlie of being a hypocrite, even though Bob himself is already a hypocrite.
  • Downplayed: Bob calls Charlie out on overspending, though Bob spends a bit too much on videogames.
  • Inverted: Bob praises Charlie for his virtues, but is too humble (or dumb) to acknowledge that he has them too.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is too stupid to realize he has the same character flaws.
    • Bob's habits are usually habits that people don't notice they have, and require other people to tell them to realize it.
    • Bob knows he has flaws, he expected everybody else to have open knowledge of these flaws, and hoped they would still stand by him when he points out that Charlie is a worse example of said flaws.
  • Averted: No one is hypocritical.
  • Lampshaded: "Charlie, you spend way too much on socks! Then again, I just remembered I spend a lot on crane games, so I guess that's rich coming from me."
  • Defied: Whatever Bob calls out about Charlie, he makes extremely damned sure is not something that could be called out about him.
    Bob: Charlie, you're a Gasshole!
    Charlie: What about that timeā€¦?
    Bob: One fart! One! Versus your freaking year-wide, day-long concert!

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