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Basic Trope: A seemingly important part of the basic setting of the story is scarcely mentioned and has little significance on the plot.

  • Straight: The Republic of Kattadra is one of the three main countries in the continent the stories took place, alongside Kaloni and Kenvenda; however, only a handful of minor characters come from Kattadra and few important things happened in Kattadra.
  • Exaggerated: The Republic of Kattadra is one of the three main countries in the continent the stories took place; but the only place the story mentioned Kattadra is a footnote in page three when the main character's teacher is teaching him world geography.
  • Downplayed: Kattadra is regularly Out of Focus but is also a Chekhov's Boomerang — it's very important when it does appear.
  • Justified:
    • Kattadrans fear any relationship with foreigners and is in seclusion, so it's normal that things happening in other countries don't involve Kattadrans.
    • Kattadra fell well before the events of the story.
  • Inverted: Kattadra is a very small country that could be overlooked in the map, but most of the cast is from there.
  • Subverted: It turns out later that the hero and all his family is moved from Kattadra, and it is because of something in Kattadra which is crucial to the plot.
  • Double Subverted: However, this arc was very short, and after that nobody mentions Kattadra again.
  • Parodied: Kattadra is a country ruled by monkeys.
  • Zig-Zagged: The Republic of Kattadra is on the continent the story took place in, but not a lot of things happen in Kattadra, and only a handful of minor characters originate there. However, it is revealed that The Hero comes from Kattadra, and he needs to return for a plot-important MacGuffin. However, the MacGuffin is found to be useless, and the heroes do not revisit Kattadra again. But is the MacGuffin really useless after all?
  • Averted: All three of the largest countries, including Kattadra, play a major part in the plot.
  • Enforced:
    • Executive Meddling forced the creators to change a large part of Kattadra's involvement to the story.
    • Alternatively, Executive Meddling forces the creators to include one more major country to make the setting more diverse.
  • Lampshaded: "What's a Kattadran?"
  • Invoked:
    • Kattadra has taken a foreign policy of seclusion and neutrality.
    • Kenvenda and Kaloni have cut off diplomatic ties with Kattadra.
  • Exploited:
    • Well aware of Kattadra's international "irrelevance", a villain starts opening safehouses, illegal operations' fronts, and all sorts of shady places in it, knowing they won't be discovered there.
    • Alternatively, Kattadra itself can get away with a lot of things that would draw attention to the bigger and more plot important nations, simply because no one cares about it enough to do anything about it.
  • Defied: Kattadra realizes it has done nothing to help its allies in the war and sends a Badass Army, solely to land themselves a place in the history books.
  • Discussed: Bob points at the map and says, "Why is nobody we know from this big country? We have enough people from the other two major nations!"
  • Conversed: "So there are four factions in the game: Thirsans are all Proud Warrior Race Guys, Mastari have the best artillery and heavy tech, Ganghans have this awesome mages and Kattadra ... hm ... dunno, they are just kind of there, I guess."
  • Implied: In geography class, a student asks what Kattadra, which is implied to be a big country from the setting's continent, is.
  • Plotted a Good Waste: The main character is from Kattadra and loves his country. The fact that no one considers it important is a source of considerable Angst for him.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Lack of relationship between Kattadra and other countries weakened its economy to breaking point.
    • Because nobody outside of Kattadra, even political officials if other countries, can bother to keep tabs on them, they get utterly blindsided when they declare war, and reveal some serious advantages in the process.
    • Because of how little anyone notices anything happening in Kattadra, the country was taken over by insurgents with little to no warning. This makes their sudden aggressive behavior all the more jarring In-Universe.
  • Reconstructed: The Kattadrans figured out a way to repair this problem, and continue seclusion.
  • Played for Laughs: People begin to doubt the existence of Kattadra.
  • Played for Drama: Kattadra is actively attacked but nobody from Kaloni or Kenvenda comes to help its government or people.

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