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Playing With / Hotline

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Basic Trope: Direct, custom-installed communication lines from one important character to another. Usually only used in a crisis.

  • Straight: Oh no, the city of Troperia is being threatened by a group of terrorists! Luckily, the police department has a direct hotline between them and The Hero, so that he can be informed of the danger as soon as possible.
  • Exaggerated: The police use the hotline to report everything to the hero, including jaywalking, or for themselves to order a pizza.
  • Downplayed: The police department has the hero's number on speed-dial, and the hero always picks up as soon as possible.
  • Justified:
    • The hero lives somewhere that only a special communication device, the hotline, can reach.
    • A law requires that all police departments have hotlines to local superheroes.
    • The regular telecommunications system available to the general public is starting to show its age, and regular calls are liable to be interrupted or dropped at times of heavy traffic (e.g., in an emergency). A separate dedicated line ensures that The Hero can be contacted reliably and quickly.
  • Inverted:
    • The hero calls the police on the hotline.
    • The police department attempts to call the hero, but finds out that their phones have been messed with so that they can now call everyone BUT the hero.
  • Subverted: The police department has a cable phone on a stand labelled "THE HERO", but it turns out to be a regular phone, and the label is just for decoration.
  • Double Subverted: There turns out to be a secret button combination on it that turns it into a direct hotline to the hero.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Parodied: The Head of Police only ever calls people through emergency hotlines, which results in there having to be a whole room in the police department reserved for them.
  • Averted: The hero does not have a hotline installed to his lair.
  • Enforced: The hotline is a crucial element in a flashback scene.
  • Lampshaded: Upon hearing a report of a major crime, the chief of police says, "I'll get the hotline."
  • Invoked: While planning the secret lair, the hero tells an engineer, "...and also make sure to save some room for the hotline to the police department."
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The villain cuts the wires that connect the hotline to delay the moment when the hero learns about the crime.
  • Discussed: The hero says that he can't have a hotline, citing security concerns such as calls being traced to his secret lair.
  • Conversed: "Man, why is it every superhero show involves a hotline to the police department? Can't the police just text him? Surely he has a phone."

"Yeah, but how is this trope actually used in works?" "Hold on, let me call the main page!"
