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Playing With / Hospital Visit Hesitation

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Basic Trope Description: For whatever reason, a character hesitates to visit another one who is in hospital.

  • Straight: Alice is in hospital after a car accident, and Bob hesitates to visit her.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is in hospital after a car accident, and Bob cannot even take a look at a Red Cross symbol without trembling and fainting in fear of having to visit Alice.
  • Downplayed: Alice is in hospital, and Bob comes to visit her, but very slowly and visibly has to calm himself several times before.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is afraid of doctors and needles.
    • Bob had invited Alice to get drunk the night of the car accident, and is ashamed now.
  • Inverted: Bob is eager to visit Alice in hospital and refuses to go home afterwards.
  • Subverted: After Charlie suggests visiting Alice in hospital, Bob suddenly locks himself in his room and refuses to come out again. But he gets out after a while on himself, telling Charlie that he just needed to calm down.
  • Double Subverted: Bob gets cold feet right in front of the hospital doors and goes away without visiting Alice.
  • Enforced: The storyboard wants to establish Bob as a coward.
  • Averted: Bob visits Alice entirely voluntarily.
  • Parodied: When confronted with the opportunity, Bob hides under his blanket. Later, he visits Alice carefully, but still hidden.
  • Zig-Zagged: There are several hospital visits to make. Bob hesitates towards some while not towards others.
  • Lampshaded: "Don't make a drama out of that one visit, we aren't in some dramatic movie."
  • Discussed: "Bob is outside, he is...a little hesitant." "No problem, I know he never liked hospital visits."
  • Conversed: "I really feel with Bob. I'm also afraid of hospitals. Don't ever make me visit one, so many multi-resistant germs and deaths..."
  • Deconstructed: Since everyone thinks Bo doesn't visit them in hospital because he dislikes them, Bob loses his friends and gains a callous reputation.
  • Reconstructed: He explains his general fear and dislike of hospital environments to his friends, what earns him understanding.
  • Defied: Bob is physically unable to visit Alice, either due to an injury or illness he has or is barred from visiting by relatives and/or doctors of Alice.
