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Playing With / Highly Visible Password

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Basic Trope: The password isn't hidden when typed.

  • Straight: When Bob writes the password to his computer, it isn't asterisked out.
  • Exaggerated: Not only isn't the password asterisked out, it's also written in large letters, and the screen is huge.
  • Downplayed: The password is gradually asterisked out as Bob writes it. If the password is "Trope", it looks like this: "T", "*r", "**o", "***p", "***e".
  • Justified: Bob is always alone when he's at his computer, and it's in a secure location, so why hide the password?
  • Inverted:
    • Bob's password is hidden well, even using the wrong number of asterisks.
    • Bob's password is hidden completely, not even asterisks are visible, like in UNIX non-graphical password prompts.
  • Subverted:
    • From Bob's angle, the password is highly visible. However, if you turn around a few degrees, the lighting makes it invisible.
    • It is irrelevant whether or not the computer uses asterisks in place of the actual characters, as Bob’s password actually is ‘***’
    • As a level of misdirection, a joke, and a prank to any snoopers the computer generates a psuedopassword of the same length using a dictionary. "Trope" is just an alternate mask.
    • Bob is being watched, and is deliberately entering a wrong password while turning on the option to see the password, in order to trick the person watching him.
  • Double Subverted: But if you turn a few more degrees, it becomes visible again.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob's computer makes loud sounds and displays a flashing banner that says "Bob's password here!".
    • Bob's computer says his password out loud while Bob writes it.
    • Bob's password is literally "SWORDFISH".
  • Zig Zagged: At first, the password is visible, but Bob finds a way to hide it. Later, we see the password again, but it turns out to be a fake password to hide the actual password (Bob has changed it), says Alex, who just tried it... but is Alex trying to trick us?
  • Averted: Bob's password is asterisked out when written.
  • Enforced: The writers want to show how clever, lame or embarrassing Bob's password is.
  • Lampshaded: "Uh, Bob, I can see your password..."
  • Invoked:
    • "Bob, you often make typos when writing your password and thus fail your logins. Wouldn't it be easier if you kept it from being asterisked out?"
    • Earlier, Alice broke into Bob's computer and made it not hide passwords.
  • Exploited: Alice sees Bob's password and uses to gain access to some of Bob's private files.
  • Defied: Bob activates the option to hide the password as he's writing it. If no such option exists, he hides the password with a piece of paper taped to the screen.
  • Discussed: "Those programs that don't hide passwords are a real nuisance." "Do such things still exist?"
  • Conversed: "Why isn't Bob's password asterisked out?" "Why hide a lame password like "Password" anyway?" "Well, the people in this series are stupid..."
  • Played For Laughs: This is used to show that Bob's password is "Bob", and Alice sees Bob writing it. Bob is still surprised when she hacks his computer.

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