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Playing With / Hero with an F in Good

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Basic Trope: Someone has good intentions, but is bad at being good.

  • Straight: Alice wants to eliminate bullying in her kids' school, but she does it by destroying the bullies' backpacks. And she thinks she's an Ideal Hero.
  • Exaggerated: Alice kills every bully in the school, and does not even briefly consider that she may not be as heroic as she thinks she is.
  • Downplayed: Alice yells at bullies until they cry. It's effective at getting them to stop, but many think that Alice's methods are too harsh.
  • Justified: Alice doesn't grasp the nuances of how to properly deal with bullies.
  • Inverted: Minion with an F in Evil
  • Parodied: Alice wants to be a superhero, so she dons an all-black outfit with an Ominous Opera Cape and lots of Spikes of Villainy. She destroys bullies by commanding her Evil Minions to activate her Death Ray. She considers this an absolute success.
  • Subverted: Alice is about to destroy the bullies' backpacks, but she decides against it, deeming it too severe to be heroic.
  • Double Subverted: She elects to punch all the bullies in the face repeatedly instead.
  • Lampshaded: "I destroyed all their backpacks! Totally heroic, right? I'm so good at this!"
  • Invoked: A disguised villain suggests a "heroic plan" to wannabe-hero Alice.
  • Exploited: The villain suggests the plan in order to ruin Alice's reputation as a hero.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Alice is trying to be a hero, but her methods of doing so are... less than good."
  • Conversed: "Wow, this character is terrible at being a hero. I wonder if they'll redeem her later."
  • Implied: Alice gets dirty looks from everyone else, even the victims, after she destroys the bullies' backpacks.
  • Played For Drama: Alice realizes that what she's done is not heroic. All the children in the school now hate and fear her, and the teachers and faculty consider her a danger to the children and ban her from the school's premises. She goes home and laments her mistake, now worried that she isn't truly a good person.

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