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Playing With / God-Emperor

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Basic Trope: A sovereign viewed as a Physical God. (Usually with appropriate attitude on the sovereign's part.)

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz is worshiped by his subjects, who believe that he is a member of the pantheon.
  • Exaggerated: Emperor Evulz is worshiped by his subjects ala Crystal Dragon Jesus, who believe that He created the universe. Complete with Inquisition.
  • Downplayed:
    • Emperor Evulz is regarded as God's chosen prophet to to the mortal world.
    • While he is never directly worshipped, Emperor Evulz has a powerful Cult of Personality and many of his minion say he's Like a God to Me.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • It's just lip-service; most people don't actually believe that Evulz is a god, and snickers about his eccentricities behind him.
    • People worship Evulz like a god...because Evulz is a god. Albert finds this out the hard way.
    • It turns out that it's just a weird cult that declared Evulz to be a god. Mainstream society and Evulz himself think it's stupid.
  • Double Subverted:
    • However, when Evulz start throwing god-like powers like a mad god, they begin to kneel and worship him.
    • But then Evulz realizes it might be useful to promote this attitude and publicly accepts the cult's teachings. Maybe he even ends up Believing Their Own Lies.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: One day Evulz talk as though he's an immaculate deity, the other day he's OK with listening to people's (carefully-presented) advices.
  • Averted: In a universe brimming with Physical God and Evil Overlord, no one from either side try to claim each other's title.
  • Enforced: "We need Big Bad Evil Overlord whose ego is bigger than big!"
  • Lampshaded: "One day he will try to do in the King of Cosmos the way he done in Emperor Horrificus."
  • Invoked: The Corrupt Church offered him the title of God-Emperor so they will gain significant power in Evulz' regime...
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: The constitution states that Emperor is an entirely secular title, and Evulz himself is an atheist that scoffs on religion.
  • Discussed: Evulz discusses with his advisors the possibility of assuming godly identity so that he can gain greater power over his subjects.
  • Conversed: "Oh, you better not do it. Remember how it ended up for Evulz?"
  • Deconstructed: Evulz goes completely crazy when he figure out that he can't live up the "God" part of his title, and making up for it with excessive display of "Emperor" power.
  • Reconstructed: Somehow, this only make people revere him even more.
  • Implied: Evulz has the official title of "God-Emperor" but it's not actually clear that this means he's considered a God.
  • Played For Laughs: Evulz is an incompetent Almighty Idiot who's very powerful but comically stupid and makes many goofily pretentious speeches aboud his alleged godhood.
  • Played For Drama: When Evulz is finally defeated, his citizens are deeply traumatized by the death of their god, and they're not at all grateful to the heroes.

Click the following link to venerate the God-Emperor, citizen. Failure to do so in a timely manner is a blasphemy as well as an act of treason. Through the lightning; And the tempest...
