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Playing With / Glory Days

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Basic Trope: A character feels their best times are behind them.

  • Straight: Bob used to be the popular star of his football team in high school, but is now a weary office man in the present day.
  • Exaggerated: Adult Bob is morbidly obese, diagnosed with depression, a homeless beggar and a drug addict.
  • Downplayed: Adult Bob is a Bumbling Dad.
  • Justified:
    • Bob decided being an athlete wasn't for him after all.
    • Bob suffered a Career-Ending Injury.
    • Bob couldn't take his game to the next level in college or the pros and washed out, with no backup career plan because he had been too convinced of his own athletic greatness.
  • Inverted: Bob was an unpopular loser in high school, but is now a successful professional athlete as an adult.
  • Subverted: Bob doesn't long for his high school days and is okay with how his life turned out.
  • Double Subverted: ...except he's lying to himself in order to not think about how happier he was back then.
  • Parodied: Bob dreams of winning an unrealistic amount of trophies in football and girls throwing themselves at his feet as a teenager, and it is All Just a Dream.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob sometimes has woeful dreams of the past, and cries about it being over in some instances. Nevertheless he is usually content and sometimes even happy with his days as a football star being over.
  • Averted: Bob was a star athlete back then and is still one up to this day.
  • Enforced: The whole fanbase despises Bob as a character, so the writers gave him a miserable future life in the Distant Finale.
  • Lampshaded: "Just why do people never come to terms with their pasts? Like if somebody would want to make them extra miserable. Can't they focus on the present?"
  • Invoked: Sometimes Bob wistfully looks at an old photo of him and his football team before heading off to work.
  • Exploited: Carlos, Bob's friend, tells him about a new football-related opportunity that will earn himself some cash. Carlos does this because he knows Bob's desperate to see if he's still got it, and it nets him an instant partner.
  • Defied: When Bob's asked if he ever misses being on the football field, Bob says no. Those were important times for him, sure, but he's not a teenager anymore and he's since moved onto other interests and wants in life.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
