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Playing With / Glacier Waif

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Basic Trope: A character that looks small and weak is actually a Mighty Glacier.

  • Straight: Alice is a small, skinny girl carrying around a hammer fit for an ogre. She can use it just as effectively as any of the muscle-bound characters in the cast.
  • Exaggerated: Alice looks absolutely emaciated, yet she can move around in extremely heavy armor while wielding two BFSes as if she was wearing nothing at all.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is a small, skinny girl who can cast powerful spells capable of duplicating a more muscular character's feats of strength, but she has to stay at one spot to cast them.
    • Alice is Armored But Frail.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is granted a superhuman strength by magical forces... at the cost of her graceful agility.
    • Alice is superhumanly dense, giving her far more muscles then she has any right to have, but also making her extremely heavy.
    • Alice is a Cyborg made of extremely resistant but heavy metal.
    • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome. Alice is strong enough to carry a hammer due to working out but didn’t think of working out her legs and ends up making herself strong and dense but slow.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Rumor has it that Alice has extreme physical strength, but Alice is first actually seen in combat, her main advantage is Super-Speed.
    • Alice is introduced as a "little girl" with a big weapon. Turns out she's actually a Token Heroic Orc who's seven feet tall and muscular. She's only "little" by the standards of her species.
  • Double Subverted: Alice was trying out a different fighting style. Her usual fighting style involves slowly swinging a huge battle axe.
  • Parodied: She is faced against her opposite self (read: inverted).
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Alice is a mode-shifting Jack with a Tank mode among other things.
    • Alice may be around the 4-5 feet mark, but the reason why she can even carry that hammer is that she's built like Mike Tyson.
  • Averted: Alice is no stronger than any other girl of her build.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "You think you're strong? Alice can throw a linebacker across the field with her bare hands"
  • Invoked: Bob, a skinny Squishy Wizard fed up with constantly being targeted first, gives his robes enchantments that trade mobility for increased physical durability.
  • Exploited: Naturally, Alice's foes assume a small girl can't use a weapon that large until she proves them wrong by launching an attack that catches them off guard.
  • Defied: "*Sigh*. Don't even try to lift that hammer Alice, its head is larger than your body. Now do something useful and take this spellbook."
  • Discussed: "Wow! How does Alice even lift that hammer!"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's intense workout and diet regimens to let her carry such a huge hammer while still staying small are shown.
    • Alice attempts to do the work of a Mighty Glacier, but collapses in fatigue from the amount of strain it puts on her frail body.

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