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Playing With / Giant Equals Invincible

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Basic Trope: Anything giant is immune to all conventional weapons.

  • Straight: The Kraken, in all of its 50ft glory, arises from the sea, and the army opens fire on it. Their weapons are completely ineffectual.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • A smaller creature is even more vulnerable to conventional arms fire.
    • The kraken is more vulnerable to small arms fire than everything else, as the increase in size only gave it more volume, and less mass.
    • Owing to the Square-Cube Law the kraken winds up being a Glass Cannon. While still incredibly strong and capable of throwing around boats and trucks like toys it cannot survive falling over.
  • Subverted: The army opens fire with Five Rounds Rapid and successfully injures the Kraken.
  • Double Subverted: ...Unfortunately, the monster has a highly effective Healing Factor, and they can’t muster enough firepower to kill the monster before it levels the city.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Five Rounds Rapid does nothing, but when they deploy satchel charges at the Kraken’s weak point it goes down easily.
    • It varies from giant monster to giant monster: some are Immune to Bullets, some can be shot down, and a few can ONLY be hurt by normal guns.
    • They can hurt the Kraken, but it’s like shooting at an elephant with a pistol: You have to wait for it to die of blood loss or infection, as you can’t muster enough damage to kill it outright.
  • Averted:
    • The giant monster is never attacked by humans at all.
    • They never attempt conventional methods to attack the monster, thus we never see if they work.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: “Gah... It’s too fat to die and too big to kill!”
  • Invoked:
    • Dr. Evulz makes his creations as big as possible so the free world is incapable of fighting back.
    • Dr. Evulz makes HIMSELF into a giant in order to avoid being shot apart by police.
  • Exploited: Dr. Evulz knows the creature is a) coming, and b) invincible. So, he uses the attack to gain tenure at his university for his massive Death Ray.
  • Defied:
    • “Men, don’t even bother fighting back; you’ll just waste ammo. We’ll work on the evacuation effort and let the Superheroes handle this one.”
    • “Bullet-proof? Bullshit! That’s what Depleted Phlebotinum Shells are for; it’s just a bigger target.”
  • Discussed: “Why is it that cannons never work against the Kaiju…”
  • Conversed: “Y’know all those monster movies when they send the army to kill the beast? Why do they even bother?
  • Implied: We never see the bullets hit the monster, but we never see it slow down from the armies’ attack either.
  • Played For Laughs: The Kraken doesn't even notice the army, and wonders why the humans haven’t sent anything to attack him yet.
  • Played For Drama: It’s a race against time to find a weapon capable of hurting the Kraken before it eats the global ecosystem.

Hunt down Giant Equals Invincible. Just a warning, the trope is too big to hurt with normal bullets.
