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Playing With / Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock

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Basic Trope: Gay character is in love (or lust) with the hot jock.

  • Straight: Camp Gay and Endearingly Dorky Pete is head over heels with Lovable Jock Flash.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Pete likes Flash that way, but isn't too crazy over him.
  • Justified: With a 6'8", 265 pound and beefy hunk like Flash (who also has a chunky 3rd leg), it's impossible for Pete to not get attracted.
  • Inverted: Flash is the one doing the chasing, being attracted to the cute and waifish Pete.
  • Gender-Inverted: Bespectacled Cutie Lipstick Lesbian Parker is head over heels with Passionate Sports Girl Felicia.
  • Subverted: As it turns out, Pete just wants to be best friends with Flash...
  • Double Subverted: ...Well, Best Friends with Benefits, that is (and chances for a Relationship Upgrade).
  • Parodied: Pete has a dedicated Stalker Shrine to Flash, and is constantly trying to get into the latter's pants (although Pete would gladly take the bottom role when push comes to shove).
  • Zig-Zagged: Pete isn't attracted to just Flash; He'd even go after Butch Lesbian Jock Claire.
  • Averted: Pete isn't attracted to Flash.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: Flash remarks: "Hey, ain't I supposed to be givin' ya a wedgie or somethin'? I mean, if yer into that, I don't mind..."
  • Invoked: Pete is on a Quest for Sex, and sees Flash as the hottest student at school.
  • Exploited: Due to basically being the quarterback's boyfriend, Pete has loads and loads of power at school.
  • Defied: Pete just decides that seeking Flash is too typical of a nerd like him, and tries to look for other partners.
  • Discussed: "Heard that nerd Pete actually got into that jock Flash's pants. I honestly thought that those two would be sworn enemies; But no, they're literally fucking!"
  • Conversed: "Ah, how adorable. The cute nerd swoons over the handsome jock. It's typical, but it's also very cute."
  • Implied: Pete, normally a shy, bookish nerd, is more at ease when around the big, sporty Flash.
  • Deconstructed: Flash is torn between reciprocating his love for Pete and having to protect his reputation.
  • Reconstructed: Flash's teammates reassure him that just because he loves Pete, it doesn't mean that Flash's some pansy. If anything, the pure testosterone and homoeroticism within the locker rooms basically absolves Flash of any harm against his reputation, because everyone knows that the locker rooms are prone to some inherently and comedically homosexual activities.
  • Played for Laughs: Pete acts like an over-the-top fangirl whenever around Flash.
  • Played for Drama: Pete is in love with Flash. Flash isn't.
  • Played for Horror: Pete becomes an outright yandere who promises to make Flash his love. Hypotenuse Murdering swiftly peaks at an all time high.

Moon over the handsome, muscular main page.
