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Playing With / Game-Breaking Bug

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Basic Trope: A programming error that crashes the game.

  • Straight: Picking up two keys in a quick succession crashes the game.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Picking up two keys in a quick succession crashes the game and corrupts the save file
    • Picking up two keys in a quick succession bricks the console.
    • The game crashes every time it starts up so it is quite literally unplayable.
  • Downplayed: Picking up two keys in a quick succession slows down the player speed until the game is restarted.
  • Justified:
    • The game was Christmas Rushed and thorough beta-testing had not taken place.
    • The programmers had little to no idea what they were doing.
  • Inverted: Picking up two keys in a quick succession fixes the game, so it's no longer unwinnable.
  • Subverted: Picking up two keys in a quick succession puts the game in unplayable state. However, certain key combinations pressed restore the game to normal.
  • Double Subverted: And those certain key combinations break another part of the game.
  • Parodied: There is an item called "Game breaker". Picking it up crashes the game.
  • Averted: The game has no game-breaking bugs.
  • Invoked: The 'bug' is primed by authentication failure, so as to punish those that play pirated versions.
  • Defied: The developer makes sure to thoroughly beta-test their games to ensure that every element of it works properly.
  • Deconstructed: The game is pretty much unplayable due to the bug and as a result, complaints and bad reviews about the game flood in and the company loses money or even goes out of business due to rapid decline in sales.
  • Reconstructed: The unwinnable by mistake condition is embraced by a certain proportion of fans who see avoiding it or getting unstuck from it as an additional challenge.

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