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Playing With / Flash Step

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Basic Trope: The individual moves really fast, to the point of appearing to have used Teleportation.

  • Straight: Alice moves so fast that she vanished almost instantly from Bob's eyes.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Even though Alice was moving fast, she was not moving too fast for Bob's human eyes.
  • Justified: Alice has trained her body well enough and due to being empowered by somebody or being part of a superhuman race, she can move faster than what is humanly possible.
  • Inverted: Alice moves rather slow when facing Bob. Bob could clearly see her.
  • Subverted: Alice at first attempts to run quite fast, but then thought about it and intentionally slow down her pace.
  • Double Subverted: ... Only so she could disorient Bob, who wasn't expecting her to suddenly move at impossible speeds.
  • Parodied: Alice moved too fast to stop herself from slipping on a bunch of banana peels, so she fell to the ground on her back. Alice complains for not watch where she going and tries laughs it off.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice did not move quickly as to mimic teleportation.
  • Enforced:
    • "Let's show this female character that she can catch up to, and outpace her opponent."
    • Coconut Superpowers
  • Lampshaded: "Where did she go?! Did she just teleport or not?!"
  • Exploited: While Alice is moving from Point A to Point B, she blitzes Bob with hundreds of Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs.
  • Defied:
    • Alice decides to not display her higher levels of speed to Bob.
    • Bob attaches lead ankle bracelets and bells to Alice so she can't move absurdly quickly.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice's extreme speed and relative strength means if she were to bump into Bob by accident during her dash, he would be reduced to Ludicrous Gibs and a pool of blood. Because of this, Alice considers going at this speed a Dangerous Forbidden Technique.
  • Reconstructed: Alice's ability comes with a number of Required Secondary Powers, including hyper-perception and inertial dampening during her flash steps. She could weave through a crowded china shop at high velocity without disturbing a single Priceless Ming Vase.
  • Implied: Alice has a habit of abruptly arriving out of nowhere, though is never noticed disappearing- Yet, anyone with heightened senses would notice a chunk of air disappears whenever Alice appears.
  • Played For Drama: Alice's sheer, abrupt speed strains her body, quickly causing her to become exhausted chaining together Flash Steps.

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