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Playing With / First Contact Farmer

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Basic Trope: An alien vessel crash lands on a farm and is found by a farmer.

  • Straight: An alien vessel crash lands on a farm; the farmer sees the vessel and is the first human to meet the alien.
  • Exaggerated: Every single farmer in the county shows up to see what happened.
  • Downplayed: The farmer sees the crash and ignores it.
  • Justified: The alien crashes the spaceship on a farm because he knows it's in a remote area and likely won't hurt anyone.
    • Large sections of most countries consist of farmland.
  • Inverted: A human spaceship crashes on a farm located on a distant planet and are greeted by a farmer who lives on said planet.
  • Subverted: An alien crash lands in the middle of a city.
  • Double Subverted: ...Who immediately makes contact with a farmer living in the city.
  • Parodied: Every time the alien lands in a new location, he meets a farmer.
  • Zig Zagged: An alien crash lands on a farm... who doesn't turn out to be an alien after all. The farmer mistakes him for an alien anyway.
  • Averted: The alien crash lands in the city or a remote desert.
  • Enforced: The crash scene is filmed on a farm so that the production team doesn't have to build a new set.
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: Alice, another one of em aliens crashed in the cornfield!
  • Invoked: The farmer deliberately tried to make contact with aliens and managed to attract the attention of one.
  • Exploited: An alien knows he is about to crash into a farm, and he contacts the farmer by his radio to warn him.
  • Defied: An alien is about to crash into a farm, and makes a quick maneuver to avoid a crash-landing.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: It's an alien spaceship!
    Bob: In Nebraska? Why here, of all places?
  • Conversed:
    Bob: Why is it that aliens always crash into farms?
    Alice: I know, right? You never hear about aliens crashing in some place like Cleveland.
  • Implied: The spaceship crashes into a field.... but we don't see the farmer or his house.
  • Played For Horror: An alien crash lands on a farm and meets a farmer... before promptly killing him and his family.
  • Played For Laughs: An alien crash lands on a farm and meets a farmer... who tries to shake his hand and accidentally shakes his leg.
  • Played for Drama: An alien protagonist crash lands on a farm and meets a farmer... and must convince him to calm down before the farmer shoots him with a shotgun.

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