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Playing With / Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette

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Basic Trope: An eerie character with dark hair and pale skin.

  • Straight: Elvira, the eerie girl, has black hair and extremely fair skin, providing visual contrast.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Elvira has pale skin and dark brown hair.
    • Elvira is creepy, but isn't all that scary once you to know her.
    • Elvira isn't evil, just Goth.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Elvira has very dark skin, very light hair and is unnerving.
    • Elvira is friendly and boisterous.
  • Subverted:
    • It's revealed Elvira dyes her hair black and uses pale foundation.
    • Despite the expectations from her eerie appearance, Elvira is an upbeat Perky Goth.
    • Elvira's pale skin and black hair makes her look beautiful instead of eerie.
    • Elvira is the nicest person anyone has ever met. Everyone quickly forgets their initial first impressions and just can't get over how nice she is.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But the makeup is to enhance her naturally fair skin tone, and her hair is dark brown rather than black.
    • Under her Perky Goth exterior, though, Elvira's got a lot of dark secrets she's hiding.
    • That's because she wears make up. Without it, she looks fairly eerie.
    • However she can temporarily become creepy again if pushed too far in a Beware the Nice Ones moment.
  • Parodied: Every time Elvira meets new people, they are horrified and think she's a ghost or a vampire.
  • Zig Zagged: Elvira acts creepy towards some people, yet friendly to others.
  • Averted: Elvira doesn't have dark hair or pale skin.
  • Enforced: "We need to make Elvira look creepy. That black-hair-and-pale-skin combo always works".
  • Lampshaded: Elvira's friend Bob says, "Elvira, you look like a vampire. It's really kinda creepy".
  • Invoked: Elvira is a Goth and deliberately goes for this look.
  • Exploited: Elvira deliberately goes for this look because looking eerie helps her manipulate others.
  • Defied: Elvira doesn't want to creep people out, so she dyes her hair blonde and visits the beach regularly (which makes her skin red and sore, but she prefers to be conventionally ugly and pitiful rather than creepy).
  • Discussed: 'Man, look at that chick there. It's creepy how pale her skin is next to her black hair, isn't it?'
    • "Ever notice how anytime Elvira goes outside she has her hand on her forehead shielding her eyes from the sun the whole time? You can tell she's used to avoiding the sun"
  • Conversed: "Elvira, don't you know that if you were an anime character, you'd be the creepy girl who ends up murdering her friends? That's why people keep avoiding you".
  • Deconstructed: Goths receive unfair prejudice for their creepy appearance.
  • Reconstructed: Goths don't mind, as they keep to their own friend circles and no one wants to bully someone they're scared of.

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