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Playing With / EMP

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Basic Trope: A electromagnetic wave that wipes out electronics.

  • Straight: In Alice Wars, an EMP is generated by Emporer Evulz which causes every several electronics in the area to stop working completely.
  • Exaggerated: An EMP is generated that causes ALL of the world's electronics to explode.
  • Downplayed: The EMP only causes electronics to stop working temporarily.
  • Justified: Sending enough electricity into something will cause it to break.
  • Inverted:
    • Emperor Evulz sucks away energy from everything, meaning they are unable to be recharged.
    • Or, to invert it in a different way, all living matter is wiped out in the area, but not the electronics.
  • Subverted: Several of the electronics are designed to endure high electricity overloads.
  • Double Subverted: But the EMP is powerful enough to still break them.
  • Parodied:
    • The EMP generates 1 voltz of electricity, something that wouldn't cause anything to happen.
    • It also wipes out Emperor Evulz' robot army as well.
  • Zig Zagged: Some electronics are overloaded, some aren't.
  • Averted: Emperor Evulz decides not to use an EMP.
  • Enforced: "Hey, we need an explanation on how their electronics broke!"
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, Crap! Our weapons!"
  • Invoked: Emperer Evulz, knowing that the heroes are using electronic devices, creates a powerful EMP.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Implied: ???
  • Defied: The heroes manage to stop the EMP from occuring.
  • Discussed: "Why did you use it?" "Because, your weapons are electrical!"
  • Conversed: "You know, this is the part of the movie where all our electronics die."
  • Deconstructed: Emperor Evulz, knowing that using an EMP would wipe out his army as well, decides not to use it.
  • Reconstructed: And proceeds to make his robot army EMP-proof, then decides to use it.
  • Played for Laughs: The EMP causes several electronics such as fridges and toasters to stop working.
  • Played for Drama: Without their weapons, the heroes must fight Emperor Evulz with nothing but swords.
  • Played for Horror: One of the characters is partially robotic.
