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Playing With / Dynamic Entry

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Basic Trope: A previously unseen character makes himself known with a dramatic attack.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz has overwhelmed Bob, who laid battered on the ground. Evulz raised his sword to deal the final strike, when suddenly Alice crashed from the window and delivered a kick to Evulz' face with much gusto.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice enters a room by slamming the door open, accidentally hitting Bob.
  • Justified: Alice is masterful in using the element of surprise.
  • Inverted:
    • After he overwhelmed Bob, Evulz threw a force-bolt to Alice, who was hiding and waiting for a chance to snipe him.
    • A character uses a powerful attack move that also results in them leaving the scene.
  • Subverted: Alice crashed in with a kick, and Evulz promptly dodged.
  • Double Subverted: But Alice did an impossible kung-fu maneuver, and kicked him with her other foot. Bet he didn't see that one coming.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice uses the Dynamic Entry every time she enters a room or building, even in everyday normal life.
    • Alice tries an awesome diving kick for her entrance... and misses it completely, ending up flying behind Evulz and crashing indignantly into the floor.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice crashed in with a kick, which Evulz dodged. She tried to restart her attack with her other feet, but missed or was also dodged.
  • Averted:
    • All the True Companions fought Evulz at the same time.
    • A character enters a room in a normal way.
  • Enforced: Deus ex Machina.
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: "Oh wow, even I didn't see that one coming."
  • Invoked: Alice waited until the final moment because attacking then would be the least predictable outcome for Evulz.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Alice had a sniper rifle next to her and could see Evulz through the window.
  • Discussed: "Man, Alice really likes breaking through things to deliver a kick."
  • Conversed: "She came out of nowhere! Why didn't she attack before?"
  • Implied: Alice is shown breaking into a building. A second later, it zooms into the building and a mook is shown knocked out next to her.
  • Deconstructed: Evulz has predicted an unexpected attack and closed the battle with Bob inside a barrier.
  • Reconstructed: Alice has secretly developed a technique that can break through the barrier. She strikes Evulz while the latter thinks they are now safe from ambushes.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: A villain is bigged up to set the tone for the arc, and is defeated in a single kick from behind by Alice, creating a humorous anticlimax.
  • Played For Laughs:
    Alice: "Flying kick!"
    Evulz: "Flying what?!"
  • Played For Drama: A hero's celebration is brutally ended after a villain strikes from nowhere and kills one of them, leaving the remainder in shock for a few moments while the villain presses the attack.
  • Played For Horror: Alice's Dynamic Entry is used as a Jump Scare.

Suddenly, a link back to Dynamic Entry!
