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Playing With / Drama-Preserving Handicap

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Basic Trope: This particular being would make the fights with other combatants pointless and not worth for them to participate in if they aren't conveniently weakened.

  • Straight: Alice is fighting against Evulz, with 100% of her full power, only to magically be at half her full strength.
  • Exaggerated: All of her powers were not simply taken, but Alice also immediately undergoes a complete comatose state without Evulz invoking it on her through direct or indirect means.
  • Downplayed: Alice was temporarily weaker, and the decrease of her strength is not big enough to be a chore for her.
  • Justified: Somebody of a higher power decided to prevent Alice from getting overconfident; so they weaken her temporally in order to get their point across.
  • Inverted: 11th-Hour Superpower
  • Subverted: Alice loses her established powerset and seems weaker... only to gain or reveal a different powerset of equal strength.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's powers go away in a very visible way and she's left at Evulz's mercy, only for her to defiantly stand back up and make a speech about how she did it to get him on the back foot... and then promptly admits her powers really did leave and she's got nothing.
  • Averted: Alice didn't get unrealistically weaker or suddenly forget to use her other, deadlier abilities, and use only weaker abilities. Evulz was immediately defeated during his battle with Alice.
  • Enforced: "This story would be over in seconds if we didn't weaken Alice."
  • Lampshaded: "Really?! Why the hell am I suddenly no longer able to knock back my enemies a huge distance?!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Alice is written out of the story completely to maintain conflict.
    • "Don't make anyone too powerful."
  • Discussed: "Why is it that something bad always happens to Alice right before she fights Evulz!?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: The unexplained weakening of Alice's powers results in the battle being rigged and not a natural result. This leads to several results and controversies. The audience, both in-universe and out, are realistically beyond angry. They wonder what's the point of the battle if it took this insufficiently explained, unnatural effect just to give Emperor Evulz a potentially undeserved advantage. They have shown no petty hedonism whatsoever and wanted not just a great battle, but one that doesn't occur with cheap methods of weakening only one fighter.

Back to Drama-Preserving Handicap, because having a fully powered trope would make battles not worth talking about.
