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Playing With / Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud

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Basic Trope: An unrealistic tornado.

  • Straight: Alice is standing around flying a kite, when suddenly WILD TORNADO APPEARS! She tries to outrun it but gets sucked up instead.
  • Exaggerated: The entire town of Troperville is sucked up and deposited miles away, without so much as a splinter out of place.
  • Downplayed: The tornado has a visible effect while it is still quite far away, but the most it does is blow a few leaves around and clothes off lines. Nothing is actually damaged unless it touches the funnel cloud.
  • Justified: The tornado was not produced by a chaotic storm, but rather by a wizard, and it is controlled.
  • Inverted: Poor Alice was too slow to get inside, and she wound up being bludgeoned to death by a bridge that had been torn out of place ... before the actual funnel cloud got anywhere near her.
  • Subverted:
    • Although the tornado is miles away, the increased gust tears Alice's kite off its string, and Alice struggles against the wind to get to the nearest storm cellar.
    • Alice gets grievously injured in defiance of her expectations.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
    • Tornado warning sirens go off, and nobody pays any attention to them. Not even those who are working or playing outdoors.
    • Alice and Bob touch the funnel cloud itself with no adverse effects whatsoever.
  • Zig-Zagged: The entire town of Troperville got sucked up and plopped down miles away, without so much as a splinter out of place. However, it turns out that the town was being protected by a magic bubble. But shouldn't a tornado pop a bubble easily?
  • Averted: The story does not include a tornado ... or a black hole.
  • Enforced: Hollywood Science
  • Lampshaded: "HOLY SHIT! RUN! IT'S A TORNADO!"
  • Invoked: Alice is naïve or Too Dumb to Live and stays outside while a tornado is approaching because she wants to find out what it's like firsthand.
  • Exploited: Bob, who hates Alice, incorrectly tells her that tornadoes work this way so she'll stay out with tornadoes.
  • Defied: Alice gets herself indoors as soon as she hears that conditions are right for tornadoes.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama: Alice is hurt or killed.

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