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Playing With / Decomposite Character

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Basic Trope: A character in a work is split into multiple separate ones.

  • Straight:
    • In a comic spin-off of the hit cartoon Troperia Adventures, Alice and her alter-ego Ecila are made separate characters.
    • Alternatively, Alice who originally possessed multiple traits is simply split into two different ones who inherit different traits.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice has countless forms, all of which were then split into their own separate characters.
    • Basically everyone in the previous work is split into different characters in the new adaptation.
  • Downplayed: Ecila, although technically now separate from Alice, still has properties that make her very difficult not to correlate with Alice.
  • Justified: Ecila acted extremely different from Alice in the cartoon, so she was adapted in the comic as her own character.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: The results of Ecila being separated from Alice was actually the latter's dream and the rest of the work keeps the two as the same.
  • Double Subverted: Later on, they become separate for real.
  • Parodied: Despite Ecila technically being separate from Alice, the former looks and acts nearly the exact same to Alice... save for a comically minor visual change.
  • Zig Zagged: The team behind Troperia Adventures keep switching between Ecila being an alter ego and her being separate from Alice between nearly every adaptation.
  • Averted: Alice and Ecila are fully inseparable no matter the circumstances.
  • Enforced:
    • The team producing Troperia Adventures felt the cast wasn't expansive enough, so they decided to split characters apart.
    • Alternatively, the team felt Alice's personality was way too broad. This was counteracted by splitting her up into different characters, each of which inherit some of the original Alice's traits.
  • Lampshaded: Bob notices Ecila and swears to god that Ecila was just Alice's alter ego before.
  • Invoked: Charles sets up an experiment targetting Alice, goal being to separate Ecila from her.
  • Exploited: Alice eventually finds Ecila, and they reach an agreement to team up to make the task of making Troperia a better place easier.
  • Defied: Alice and Ecila make it into the most recent adaptation of Troperia Adventures as one and the same, in spite of how different the two are.
  • Discussed: "There's always that one time where we have to split up a character into multiple different ones."
  • Conversed: "There's always that one time where the producers have to split up a character into multiple different ones."
  • Deconstructed: Ecila (who is evil in this case) uses her former state as a form of Alice to cause mayhem around Troperia to tarnish the reputation of Alice.
  • Reconstructed: Alice manages to prove to everyone she isn't the culprit.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: Alice was a very confusing character due to how widespread her character was, but then all of her traits were split up into a new adaptation of her and Ecila, making Alice's character more comprehensible.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice and Ecila find out about each other, which ultimately results in a long-winded argument over who is who.
