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Playing With / Death or Glory Attack

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Basic Trope: A high-risk/high-reward attack or strategy that will likely lead to victory if used but leaves the user vulnerable in such a way that if the move does not succeed, you will likely lose.

  • Straight: In Tales of Troperia XVII, Glacco has the Cast from Hit Points attack "Blood Frenzy" which deals triple damage to an opponent but leaves him with 1 HP.
  • Exaggerated: Blood Frenzy deals 9999 damage to every opponent....but will instantly kill Glacco's team and trigger the Game Over screen if it misses.
  • Downplayed: Blood Frenzy deals double damage and leaves Glacco with 50% HP.
  • Justified: Blood Frenzy is part of an extremely dangerous set of techniques banned in universe due to their downside. This risk is made apparent to Glacco before he can use it.
  • Inverted: Stonwal has the Boring, but Practical Scratch Damage "Stalwart Defense" which does a third of the damage to an opponent but leaves him practically invulnerable.
  • Subverted: Blood Frenzy cannot kill an opponent, leaving them with 1 HP no matter how much damage it deals, so they can still counterattack a weakened Glacco easily.
  • Double Subverted: ...but it leaves the opponent paralyzed and unable to attack for three turns.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Blood Frenzy deals triple damage but leaves the user with 1 HP, but it also paralyzes the target who then cannot attack for three turns. However, Glacco cannot heal the damage it does in battle, leaving him at 1 HP until the party wins or he gets KO'd.
  • Averted: No attacks in the game have any downside to their use.
  • Enforced: The game is based on a book in which Blood Frenzy works this way, so the dev team implements it to stay true to the source material.
  • Lampshaded: After using Blood Frenzy, party Quirby comments "Damn dude, that hits like a truck! Better watch out for a stiff breeze now, though."
  • Exploited: A crafty enemy figures out how to evade the attack and puts just enough into offense so that when Glacco's attack misses they can counter and take out Glacco with an otherwise weak attack.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed: Glacco can use Blood Frenzy without a downside...however, it lowers the party's Morality Meter with each use and once it gets low enough, the player is locked out of the Golden Ending.
  • Reconstructed: Once the Morality Meter is taken into account, usage of Blood Frenzy is curtailed on subsequent playthroughs focused on the Golden Ending as it too is taken into consideration as something which restrains use of the move, only to be deployed sparingly when the situation is dire.
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
