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Playing With / Death by Racism

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Basic Trope: A racist character gets killed as a consequence to saying or doing something racist.

  • Straight: Duke Davidson, leader of a white supremacist organization, attacks a black man, who retaliates by bludgeoning Davidson to death.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Duke Davidson doesn't get killed for his racism, but does suffer severe beatings for it.
  • Justified: The minority Duke Davidson attacked was strong and formidable enough that Duke Davidson would be signing his death warrant by harassing him.
  • Inverted: A non-bigoted person gets killed for defending an oppressed minority.
  • Subverted: Duke Davidson survives the attempt on his life.
  • Double Subverted: Seeing that Duke Davidson survived, his victim then tries killing him again, this time making sure he actually dies.
  • Parodied: Duke Davidson walks up to some huge, tough-looking black men and yells the N-word at them. Smash Cut to his tombstone, which reads "Here lies a racist asshole".
  • Zig Zagged: A white supremacist and a black supremacist get into a scuffle that drags on for a while, other people fruitlessly attempt to break them up and they both end up dying at the same time.
  • Averted:
    • Racist characters in the story are not killed off.
    • Racist characters are killed off, but not in a way that had anything to do with their bigotry.
    • No racists show up in the story at all.
  • Enforced: "Audiences really like seeing bad things happen to bad people, and it doesn't get any more satisfying than to see a racist get murdered for his racism."
  • Lampshaded: "Damn. Not saying I'm gonna miss Duke Davidson, but it's scary that being a racist can get you killed."
  • Invoked: Charlie, who is tired of Duke constantly being racist towards him, is encouraged to kill Duke.
  • Defied: The minorities harassed by Duke Davidson refuse to kill him, either because they don't think he's worth the effort or because murdering him could be interpreted by his sympathizers as warranting his backwards views on people of non-white ethnicities.
  • Discussed: "Duke Davidson's playing with fire. One of these days, he'll piss off the wrong minority and wind up in the big KKK meeting under the ground."
  • Conversed: "Yes! I'm glad they killed off Duke Davidson the moment that racist jerk crossed the line!"
  • Implied: Duke Davidson is shown insulting a black character, who begins to retaliate. The scene quickly cuts to something else, and Duke isn't seen again afterwards.

That white supremacist is going to get killed at Death by Racism
