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Playing With / Damage-Sponge Boss

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Basic Trope: A boss whose defining feature is lots and lots of health.

  • Straight: In Tales of Troperia XVII, Damspob is a boss with 100,000 health, ten times as much as any previous boss, at a point in the game where your party's best attacks deal about 1,000 damage. However, she can only deal Scratch Damage.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Damspob has 1,000,000 health with equally high defences. She can't even hurt a fly if she tried!
    • Marathon Boss
  • Downplayed: Damspob has 25,000 health.
  • Justified: The Big Bad used an Upgrade Artifact on Damspob to give her a massive health boost right before the battle.
  • Inverted: Rusher is a Glass Cannon who can deal incredible damage but has very low health.
  • Subverted: Damspob has a ridiculously high amount of health, but...
    • She has such weak defenses that your party's attacks deal many times more damage than usual.
    • She has a smattering of weak points that, if focused on, can bring her down as quickly as any other boss.
  • Double Subverted: ...but after reducing her health to zero, she is revealed to have Multiple Life Bars.
  • Averted: No boss in the game has disproportionately high health.
  • Enforced: The game is based on the book in which Damspob takes a very long time to kill, so it's coded to match in the game.
  • Lampshaded: After chipping away at 50% of Damspob's health, party member Quirby comments "Holy shit, this sucker can soak up a lot of damage!"
  • Exploited: While the party is busy fighting Damspob, the Big Bad has plenty of time to see his Evil Plan to completion.
  • Defied: Claidheamh shows up, calls the whole party a pack of losers for not even keeping up with Damspob, before running her through with his Claymore.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed: Players pan the game for having a deeply unsatisfying boss fight since Damspob's massive HP, weak attacks and the low damage output of your party make the fight drag on.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
