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Playing With / Cruel and Unusual Death

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Basic Trope: A character's death is horrible, unorthodox, and painful.

  • Straight:
    • Bob is slashed apart by Overlord Steve in nonvital areas several times and is forced to watch himself bleed out.
    • Bob is executed by a totalitarian government, and his execution is being torn into pieces.
    • Steve splashes acid and salt water at Bob, lowers him into the ocean, and sends his pet sharks to eat him.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob is slashed, blown up, dragged by his hair through a wood chipper, and tossed into the sea.
    • Bob’s kneecaps are peeled off, his chest is opened, his intestines are ripped out, his head is cut off, to which he is then to be thrown into a sea of salt water.
    • Bob's execution is being placed in a torture chamber containing several malnourished Tasmanian devils.
    • Bob is shot in the eyes, has his limbs ripped off, his nose cut off, his hair torn off, his heart ripped out and is gently poked in the head by Steve.
    • Everyone in the work suffers a Cruel and Unusual Death.
    • Overlord Steve uses Bob as a test subject for the Agony Beam. This device is constructed to make the victim's nervous system feel the maximum amount of every type of pain and discomfort simultaneously. Bob dies after turning into a pile of bloody goo.
    • Rasputinian Death
  • Downplayed:
    • Family-Unfriendly Death
    • Bob is intentionally infected with Necrotizing fasciitis and Naegleriasis by the regime.
    • The death is very torturous. However, it is caused by a silent killer like venom or cancer. It is not graphic, but it is traumatic nonetheless.
    • An explosion rips apart Bob in seconds, but those seconds are shown to be complete agony.
  • Justified:
    • An ordinary death is uncertain, and Steve knows that if that happens, it would come back to bite him. So, he wants to make sure he finishes the job.
    • Steve is out to set an example to anyone else who dares stand up to him.
    • Steve is a sadist and enjoys this sort of thing.
    • Bob is a total psychopath who deserves far worse than the dignity of a bullet to the head.
    • Steve feels Bob has committed something that hurt him hard and Steve wants Bob to feel the same they did during their dying moments.
    • Bob is a character in a Final Destination movie who survived the opening accident.
    • Bob enters a situation that is extremely deadly. The work plays out like it would in real life. Bob gets no Plot Armor and no Deus ex Machina, letting the event go naturally and obliterate him.
    • Death Is Cheap, meaning a simple and painless death would be a minor inconvenience.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Bob survives.
    • Bob turns out to have already died before the horrible and painful stuff happened, and everything else was just overkill.
    • Bob is spared from his absolutely horrific fate and is allowed to have a merciful, more peaceful death.
    • Steve gets defeated before he could harm Bob.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Bob survives, but the experience is so traumatic that he’s Driven to Suicide, but he survives his suicide attempt.
    • It's not clear how much of the gruesome torture was inflicted while Bob was still alive, as Steve continues to take out his anger on the lifeless Bob.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced:
    • "I don't think anyone likes Bob. We have to make the audience feel sorry for him somehow."
    • The writers kill Bob off like this because they know the viewers hate him for ruining the show, and would be cause for celebration if he died in the most spectacular way.
    • "Okay, it's the grand finale. Steve's a bad dude, right? We've gotta' show that he's really paying for his crimes!"
    • Bob’s death is cruel and unusual for sheer Rule of Scary in a Torture Porn horror movie.
  • Lampshaded: "Why are villains always doing this to us? It's like they want us to know how evil they are to the very end!"
  • Invoked: As revenge for killing The Dragon, Alex, Steve intends to humiliate Bob by brutalizing him.
  • Exploited: Bob manipulates Steve into torturing him to death, hoping it gives Alice enough time to Back Stab Steve and heal him.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
    • "I'm going to enjoy doing this. You know why, Bob? Because I love to hear you scream. Give me one last chance to before our little squabble ends once and for all."
    • " Jeez Charles; Bob was a robber, but you didn't have to go that far. The orders were to arrest him, not steal his eyes, pull his organs out, and put his head on a metal pole".
  • Conversed: "Jesus, writer. You got some pent-up aggression you felt like taking out on Bob or something?"
  • Implied: Bob's death is a Gory Discretion Shot, the camera panning to the audience with various looks of terror and disgust.
  • Played for Laughs: No matter how gruesome and painful Bob's death is, he only sighs like his death is a mere disappointment.

I watched this blank page have its letters punched into it. Slowly. Letter by letter by letter. How dare you, editor?
