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Playing With / Crippling Overspecialization

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Basic Trope: A character performs extremely at well doing certain tasks, often overly-specific ones, at the cost of not being able to do other tasks as well as other characters.

  • Straight: Tasha was turned into a Super-Soldier for organization T.R.O.P.E. Her brain and body were rewired to greatly enhance her ability as a stealth agent and assassin with abilities such as night vision, sharp claws, and Super-Speed. But she is left unable to operate in fair combat, social gatherings, or the use of a smart phone...
  • Exaggerated: ... read, understand humor, understand mathematics, tolerate alcohol, learn any new skills or from mistakes, highly regard human life, experience empathy, love, hate, any human emotion, think for herself, hand-eye coordination outside the context of killing, and in some cases breathe.
    • Tasha is unbeatable and invincible at one thing, but useless at everything else.
  • Downplayed: Tasha's enhancements as an assassin come at the slight cost of her ability to fight fairly, as she is a specialist.
  • Justified: The experiments have caused Tasha to think and operate differently than a normal human should, robbing her of basic life skills and cognitive functions that would come naturally to others.
    • Tasha is a specialist in her trade, so it's only natural she struggles to operate in other situations.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • It turns out Tasha's clumsiness in everyday tasks is a result of her repressed social anxiety, and she becomes very competent once no one else is looking.
    • The experiments done on Tasha have no ill effect, though to use her powers she needs more rest and body material, so she is put on a special diet.
  • Double Subverted: ... But her team soon begins to notice her inability to perform basic tasks without asking for help.
  • Parodied: The Elite Four, all in whom have been trained to hunt and kill mammals, enter a collective panic when a mosquito flies into the room.
  • Zig Zagged: Tasha first displays a lack of hand-eye coordination, but therapy quickly fixes it. She begins failing missions where she ends up having to fight targets 1-on-1. She finds a work around but the applications of said workaround cause her intelligence to deteriorate. She end up fixing that, and suddenly lacks hand-eye coordination again.
  • Averted: The experiment does not negatively affect Tasha at all.
  • Enforced: "We want to show any potential side-effects of a super soldier experiment."
    • "We need an angst of some sort to help develop Tasha's character."
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: The Mole within the experiment attempted to sabotage it by relentlessly enhancing Tasha's assassin abilities even though it ruined other important skills.
  • Exploited: General Drake knows Tasha plans to assassinate him, and has a higher command to examine her files. When they fight, he takes advantage of her weaknesses and/or emotional trauma to gain the upper hand.
  • Defied: Doctor Tavitian takes extra precautions to make sure their experiments on Tasha do nothing but enhance her abilities, as opposed to taking away in some aspect.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed: With Tasha being sub-par to helpless in everyday life, she needs at least one chaperone/servant to do everything outside of combat. Making her feel inadequate and dread her eventual retirement.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Her chaperone decides to spend his time teaching her these skills so that she is not helpless when he is unable to assist her.
    • Tasha retires in a military caring facility meant for people like her, clearing away any fears of losing access to assisted living.
  • Played for Laughs: Tasha's lack of basic human skills leads to many awkward situations. Many are amused by how this unstoppable assassin is a Cute Clumsy Girl the second she steps off the battlefield.
  • Played for Drama: After retiring, Tasha has an existential crisis about no longer having a place in the world. It's like typical veteran ennui but worse because Tasha is inherently unfit for anything but combat.

Back to Crippling Overspecialization, as my mastery of editing TV Tropes came at the cost of writing witty comments.
