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Playing With / Cranky Landlord

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Basic Trope: This landlord hates our heroes.

  • Straight: Mr. Stingeley is rude to the heroes and frequently tries to catch them doing something wrong.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Mr. Stingeley spies on the good guys 24/7, trying to catch them doing anything considered remotely wrong. He's even made a few unannounced visits to their place.
    • Mr. Stingeley has a reputation of trying to kill people who don't pay their rent on time (and to the heroes' horror it turns out that it's Not Hyperbole) — even trying to ask him, well in advance, for a single day of extra time (with plenty of evidence that it's not a bluff and payment will be delivered) is a suicidal gamble.
    • Mr. Stingeley is known to break into people's rooms when they are not home and stealing anything he considers will be able to cover their bills, which Rule of Drama will always make sure is something incredibly important for his tenants.
    • Mr. Stingeley enforces the tenant's version of George Jetson Job Security.
  • Downplayed: Mr. Stingeley is a bit inflexible on rent, but otherwise not excessive.
  • Justified:
    • He's already spent the security deposit, so he's trying to find any excuse not to refund it.
    • The heroes do have a track record of being loud and coming and going at odd hours.
    • Other residents tend to be loud and annoying, so he assumes they all are.
      • EVERY resident is loud and annoying. Mr. Stingeley is the Only Sane Man in this weird residential block.
    • He's got some kind of racism going on, and unfortunately for the heroes, they are members of "the kind of people" Mr. Stingeley hates. Of course, he can't be blatant about his hatred, so...
    • Being out of work with little to no job skills means charging rent is the only way Mr. Stingley can keep a roof over his own head.
  • Inverted:
    • Mr. Stingeley is an incredibly laid-back doormat. He pretty much lets his tenants get away with anything as long as they pay their rent at some point.
    • Bob is a very cranky resident, frequently making unreasonable demands and generally intruding into his landlord's life.
  • Subverted: Mr. Stingeley at first glance seems unreasonable, but if you're obedient of the rules and pay rent on time, he's the most dutiful, friendly landlord you'll ever want to meet.
  • Double Subverted: But even hint about breaking the rules (or that you won't be able to pay on time) and you've made an enemy for life.
  • Parodied:
    • Mr. Stingeley beats down the door, has red eyes and a throbbing vein on his head... until our heroes produce the rent check, after which he immediately flips back to "insanely friendly".
    • Jim is chased throughout the whole film by an Implacable Man villain that looks like a demented crossover between The Terminator and Death… it's Mr. Stingley, demanding his day-late rental.
  • Zig Zagged: Mr. Stingeley is constantly showing up at his tenants house and intruding into their life, but it's because he wants to hang out with them. The tenants are nevertheless annoyed and embarrassed by him.
  • Averted: Mr. Stingeley hardly factors into the story - only as a minor character, if at all.
  • Enforced: Write What You Know... and "what you know" for this writer happened to be some very crappy project sometime back when The Big Rotten Apple (or some other Place Worse Than Death) was really bad and tenants could get away with anything short of murder as long as the checks didn't bounced.
  • Lampshaded: "Who could that be knocking? Let me guess...Stingeley?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Stingeley is actually an agent of the bad guys, designed to distract the heroes in their personal life as much as their heroic one.
  • Defied:
    • "Ok, sir, we've paid our rent on time and haven't given you any trouble. Now unless you want us to spread your name all over social media... please leave us be."
    • The heroes find Mr. Stingley's attitude unbearable, and decide to pack up and leave.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Word of Mr. Stingeley's bad attitude towards his tenants spreads, and tired of the constant harassment all his renters slowly move out one by one. With no one wanting to rent in his apartment complex because of how he acts towards the people there, he ends up going out of business.
  • Reconstructed: Stingeley is able to repair his reputation by pitching himself as a "tough, but fair" landlord who is "constantly vigilant".

Troper! What is up with you editing those trope pages at night? Go back to Cranky Landlord and pipe down. And your rent is late!
