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Playing With / Covert Pervert

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Basic Trope: A usually SFW character does, says, or has something perverted that most in-universe fail to notice.

  • Straight: Alice is a shy and sweet girl who shows no signs of being a pervert... until Bob finds her Porn Stash.
  • Exaggerated: Everyone knows Alice is the absolute nicest person you could possibly meet, but she's secretly the most perverted member of the cast, with an affinity for fetishes that would trigger Vomit Indiscretion Shots even from the kinkiest of her comrades.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Alice has to keep her perversion a secret from everyone because if she doesn't her parents will disown her and/or her boyfriend will dump her.
    • Because of her inherent shyness, Alice doesn't feel comfortable sharing that facet of her to the general public, so she keeps it as low profile as possible.
    • Alice enjoys holding an aura of purity to others simply so she can shock potential partners with her tastes.
    • Alice keeps a strict separation between her personal and professional lives.
    • Alice is openly asexual, but doesn't bother clarifying that she identifies as Aegosexual, which still falls under the asexuality umbrellanote ; while partying and drunk, she shocks her friends after accidentally revealing just how often she practices self-love.
    • Alice just isn't interested in talking about her perversions with anyone. It's not like she's obligated to do so after all.
    • Alice believes that openly discussing her perversions would disturb people nearby.
    • The perversion Alice has is a fetish that is stigmatized. From Alice's perspective, it is only pragmatic to avoid disclosing her perversion and avoid getting unnecessary attention.
    • Alice works in at an office where sex is surprisingly one of the most common things there. It's just that she manages to keep her perversions hidden and focuses on her job (bordering on being The Workaholic) and only lets loose and Really Gets Around once it's past work hours. Plus, it helps her ferment and get even kinkier than before.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Turns out the porn stash was Claire's when she hid it in Alice's room.
  • Double Subverted: ...because they share.
  • Parodied:
    • Everyone insists that Alice is not a pervert... even though she regularly ogles Bob in the most obvious manner possible and reads selections from her Porn Stash in public.
    • Everybody claims Alice is not a pervert... but she is regularly seen with Charlie, who is both a Dirty Old Man and Chivalrous Pervert, wide grins on her face each time she's with him, and they both smell as if they've done quite a bit of exercise.
  • Zig Zagged: Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted:
    • Alice is not perverted at all.
    • Alice is explictly shown to be perverted.
    • Perversions are not relevant in the work.
  • Enforced: The main cast is supposed to seem cute and wholesome to appeal to the audience, but the writers want to use a few dirty jokes anyway.
  • Lampshaded: "You seemed so innocent- I didn't think you'd be hiding that in your room!"
  • Invoked: Alice is introduced to porn by some of her school classmates, and she secretly likes it, despite her external reaction being of disgust.
  • Exploited:
    • Bob discovers Alice's secret stash, and threatens to reveal it to everyone, (something that would be extremely damaging for her public image, considering that she's under Contractual Purity) unless she does something for him in return.
    • Bob is a Chivalrous Pervert and dates Alice having discovered her collection because she'd be more willing to indulge in some of his fantasies which match up with her collection, and nobody needs be any the wiser for how respectable they both appear.
    • Alice can hold herself together and essentially ferment, with a sexual version of Work Hard, Play Hard benefitting her. Everyone loves her because she's the best in bed, even if it doesn't seem like that at first.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
    • With Alice:
    Bob: "So why would you hide this? Why would you try to make people think you were this pure girl?"
    Alice: "Hey, I have a reputation to uphold!"
    • Without Alice:
    Bob: "That Alice girl is quite confusing... She doesn't have any vices nor annoying habits! People that squeaky clean make me nervous."
    Claire: "No one is THAT wholesome Bob! I'm pretty sure she must have a folder brimming with pornographic material somewhere in her computer."
  • Conversed:
    Joe: Jeez, is she really that kinky? I didn't expect THAT from such a typically chaste character!
    Rick: Hey, everyone's got their secrets, y'know? I mean, remember the 5 terabyte "homework" folder?
  • Implied:
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's friends are shocked to discover she's not who they thought she was and that she might have been having dirty thoughts about them all along, and stop being friends with her.
    • Alice doesn't want to openly share that side of her, not due to the fear of how her friends will view her, but out of not wanting to show that side of her.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alice realizes that if her friends don't like the real her, they weren't real friends anyway, and she finds new friends who appreciate both her endearingly innocent demeanor and her more kinky side.
    • Despite the shock of such a reveal, Alice's friends learn to accept her inner pervert and the group remains as close as ever.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice makes many an Innocent Innuendo, and the other characters are never sure about what she means.
  • Played For Drama: Alice is a very sexual person, but she was abused by religious parents, causing her to be ashamed of her sexuality.

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