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Playing With / Contagious Cassandra Truth

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Basic Trope: The protagonist finally convinces someone of a Cassandra Truth, but they end up in the same position.

  • Straight: Alice convinces Bob that demonic robots exist when he finds her fighting a group of them off. However, Bob can't convince anybody else.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice suffers from amnesia after taking a blow to the head in the battle, meaning that even she won't believe Bob now.
    • Alice convinces her entire local police department that the demonic robots are real, but they don't have the necessary firepower to stop them on their own. They therefore appeal to the military or help, but they don't believe any of them.
  • Downplayed: After Alice convinces Bob, he shows up later to help and mentions off hand that he couldn't get many of his superiors to take him seriously.
  • Justified:
    • While Bob was convinced by first hand evidence, he and Alice still haven't got any to show anyone else.
    • Bob is really bad at convincing people he's telling the truth, and he sounds as crazy or crazier than Alice when he tries.
    • Alice is literally cursed like the mythological Cassandra, with an extra stipulation that if she somehow convinces anyone then they also get cursed.
  • Inverted: Alice manages to convince everyone but Bob (who has the authority to do something about it).
  • Subverted: While no one believes him, Bob's still in charge. He's able to order some subordinates to help Alice find proof.
  • Double Subverted: Said subordinates decide that Bob's gone crazy and he's relieved of his position.
  • Parodied: Every piece of evidence Bob finds to back Alice up is rejected or ruined no matter how effective it should be.
  • Zig Zagged: Some people believe Bob, other people think he's as crazy as Alice.
  • Averted: After being convinced, Bob has the matter quietly investigated until he can find enough proof.
  • Enforced: If convincing Bob convinced everybody the plot would be over far too quickly.
  • Lampshaded: " this what it's been like to deal with me all this time?"
  • Invoked: The Mole arranges for Bob to find out the truth so that he'll be discredited and replaced with someone who'll be more hostile towards Alice.
  • Exploited: The Big Bad attacks Alice in front of Bob knowing that he won't be able to convince anyone else anyway.
  • Defied:
    • As soon as the robo-demons burst into his office, Bob pulls out his camera and some evidence bags. He gathers as much evidence of the attack as possible for later.
    • Alice doesn't even bother trying to convince Bob, knowing that doing so won't make her case any more believable.
  • Discussed: "OK, I'm convinced. I'll inform the council." "Don't bother, they won't believe you."
  • Conversed: "So Bob's finally worked it out? I bet everyone'll just think he's crazy!"
  • Played For Laughs:
    • After convincing Bob, Alice tries to convince Charlie. Charlie says, "Okay, Alice. Find me one person who believe your crazy story!" Right on cue, Bob shows up. Charlie sighs and says, "Find me two people."
    • Bob's been a Jerkass to One to Alice the entire time, and she doesn't really need his help anyway. Him discovering the truth and being ignored is shown in a series of scenes paralleling how he's treated her, and comes across as Laser-Guided Karma.
      Alice: Wow, this must all be so hard for you.
  • Played For Drama: Alice finally convincing Bob is a major Hope Spot, and Alice is distraught to discover she's only gained one more ally.

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