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Playing With / Conjoined Twins

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Basic Trope: Twins that are attached to each other.

  • Straight: Noctis and Lux are twins that are connected at the body.
  • Exaggerated: Noctis, Lux, Alice, Bob, Charles, Diane, Elaine, and Frank are conjoined octuplets.
  • Downplayed: Noctis and Lux only share a small portion of their bodies and could easily be separated.
  • Justified: Truth in Television
  • Inverted: The two haves of Noctis's body are mysteriously disconnected and able to move independently.
  • Subverted: Noctis and Lux are presented as conjoined twins, but eventually decide to be separated.
  • Double Subverted: However, they later find out that being separated would potentially result in complications, such as one or both of them dying, so they decide to opt out.
  • Parodied: Noctis and Lux are actually just twins that have a very close relationship, but are often called "conjoined twins".
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Noctis and Lux are twins, but are not connected to each other at all.
    • There are no twins.
  • Enforced: "We need to show how unusual Noctis and Lux are. How about we make them connected to each other... literally?"
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Noctis and Lux are sewn together by Dr. Pain.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Noctis and Lux decide to get separated from each other.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played for Drama:
    • Noctis and Lux are Polar Opposite Twins and often find themselves disagreeing with each other.
    • Lux dies, causing Noctis to die as well due to them sharing organs.
    • Noctis and Lux want to separate, but learn that their shared organs make it very likely one or both of them won't survive the procedure.
  • Played for Horror: Noctis and Lux combine Creepy Twins with Body Horror.

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