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Playing With / Clingy Jealous Girl

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Basic Trope: A girl doesn't tolerate other girls making contact with her boyfriend or Love Interest.

  • Straight: Alice, Bob's girlfriend, sees Claire have a conversation with him. She assumes the worst and angrily tells her to stay away from Bob.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice beats up any girl who even talks to Bob, and does the same to Bob whenever he interacts with them.
    • Alice not only gets violent around girls talking to Bob, but also guys.
    • Alice keeps everyone around the world away from Bob. His pet is also included.
    • Alice is a yandere.
    • Bob is openly bi/pan, and Alice tries to murder him whenever he talks to anyone who isn't her, a family member, underage, or an animal.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice behaves coldly whenever other girls talk to Bob, and vice versa.
    • When Alice sees Bob talking to another girl, she puts her arm around him to "reclaim" him.
    • Alice has no problem with Bob talking to other women, but she gets possessive if she thinks they’re flirting with him.
  • Justified:
    • Alice thinks Claire is trying to take Bob away from her.
    • Alice's jealousy is rooted in severe self-esteem issues and self-loathing. She cannot fathom why a guy like Bob would settle for someone who is as terrible/dumb/ugly as she sees herself, and is constantly (though usually subconsciously) afraid that he will leave her if someone better comes along, which in Alice's eyes is pretty much every other woman than her.
    • Bob has cheated on Alice before, and she suspects he'll do it again.
    • Alice overhears an interaction between Claire and Bob out of context, and no longer trusts Bob alone with her.
    • Alice has a history of being cheated on by her ex-boyfriends and is worried it may happen again.
    • Claire is actually hitting on Bob.
    • Alice has seen Claire hitting on Bob before.
    • Claire had sexually harassed or abused Bob. Alice is aware of this, and wishes to protect him.
    • Claire is a yandere. Alice is aware of this.
    • Bob heavily dislikes Claire, and Alice tries to protect him from her.
    • Claire has had a history of cheating on her boyfriends in the past and doesn't trust her.
    • Claire caused serious trauma to Alice in the past via bullying.
    • Claire is a criminal.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice wants to end her relationship with Bob, so she tries to encourage him being around others for either a reason to break up with him, or she wants him to be happy and/or have a rebound when she breaks things off.
    • Alice wants a polyamorous relationship while Bob wants to be exclusive, so Alice encourages flirtatious comments to other guys/girls in hopes of changing his mind.
  • Gender Inverted:
    • Crazy Jealous Guy - Bob gets violent whenever other guys talk to Alice.
    • Alice is agitated whenever guys or other girls talk to her girlfriend Diana.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice seems to be like that, but it's later revealed Bob was carrying a magical artifact in his pocket that no one else could touch and that had to be protected at all costs. Alice played the part because they've thought of no other way to keep people at a distance without them getting suspicious.
    • The girl Alice was "jealous" of is actually a spy sent to keep tabs on her and Bob. Suddenly things shift towards Violently Protective Girlfriend when Bob's life is in danger.
  • Double Subverted: But Alice still turns out to be the clingy jealous type in the normal times.
  • Parodied: Alice catches Bob talking with another girl. She then removes every single woman from his life one way or another, including random animals.
  • Zig Zagged: In some episodes, Alice gets jealous over Bob, but in others, she behaves normally when Bob talks to other girls.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't get jealous.
  • Enforced: Bob never sets boundaries with Alice.
  • Lampshaded: "Insecure much, Alice?"
  • Invoked:
    • Claire provoked Alice to make Bob break up with her.
    • Bob uses Alice to get away from Claire.
  • Exploited: Bob uses Alice as his personal bodyguard.
  • Defied: Alice believes that acting jealous when Bob talks to other girls will weaken their relationship and decides to control her urges.
  • Discussed: "Don't talk to Bob if you can avoid it, or else his girlfriend is gonna think you're into him."
  • Conversed: "Why does Alice act like every other woman on the show is trying to steal Bob from her?"
  • Implied: Alice is the only woman ever seen around Bob.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's growing jealousy and paranoia puts a strain on her relationship with Bob and alienates the other girls. As a result, Bob finally gets fed up and breaks up with Alice. This causes her to snap and turn into a Yandere.

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