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Playing With / Chocolate of Romance

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Basic Trope: Chocolate is an expression of romance.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob give each other chocolate bonbons after confessing their love.
  • Exaggerated: They give each other chocolate cakes. Every day.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob share a chocolate bar, but it doesn't symbolize anything in their relationship.
  • Justified: They love doing a Grand Romantic Gesture. And they love each other. And chocolate.
    • It's traditional in their country to eat some kind of chocolate at the engagement/wedding celebration.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob believe chocolate to be an expression of hate. When Alice gives him a bonbon, it's a sign she wants to leave him.
  • Subverted: Bob gives Alice a box of chocolates when proposing, and she is mad at him for that: she's intensely allergic, and she believes he's making fun of her.
  • Double Subverted: But she accepts him because she realizes she should value his love and not the chocolates per se. Since then, she always smiles when she sees that brand of chocolate.
  • Parodied:
    • Anyone who falls in love is immediately put on a chocolate-only diet.
    • Alice and Bob were enemies until one of them gave the other chocolate, which caused the romance.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob, you should know by now that not all Girls Love Chocolate ... but I love chocolate almost as much as I love you!"
  • Averted: There is no chocolate. Or there is no romance.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob tells Alice that he loves her and gives her a chocolate. She accepts it but admits reluctantly that she doesn't feel the same way about him. But when she sees Bob with Carol, Alice wins him to her with his own favourite chocolate.
  • Invoked: When Bob comes to tea at Alice's, her parents offer them a selection of chocolates and leave, hoping Bob will finally propose.
  • Exploited: Businesspeople who don't specialize in making chocolate start doing so to cash in on the chocolate-romance connection.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob don't ever give each other chocolates as an expression of love, thinking it's too stereotypical.
  • Discussed: "Sweet words merit the giving of correspondingly sweet treats."
  • Conversed: "Maybe it's a nice shorthand on TV, given the exchange of good feelings, but what if Alice has diabetes?"
  • Implied: It hasn't been mentioned Alice and Bob are a couple. However, in one scene, he hands her a chocolate bonbon and they share a smile.

I heard someone gave some chocolate to Chocolate of Romance!
