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Playing With / Casting a Shadow

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Basic Trope: A character with ability to manipulate darkness and shadows.

  • Straight: Kuro can manipulate his shadow and make it come off the wall/floor and become material.
  • Exaggerated: Kuro can plunge the entire world into The Night That Never Ends.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Kuro is the god of night.
    • In this universe, shadows are material things which are like another limb for people.
  • Inverted: Kuro can Light 'em Up.
  • Subverted:
    • Kuro appears to be manipulating his own shadow, but it turns out to be just the way lights play when he's on the train.
    • A dark orb appears in Kuro's hands... but it turns out he was just drawing in light for a light-based attack.
  • Double Subverted: Later he proves that he can, indeed, control shadows.
  • Parodied: Kuro turns on the music and has his shadow dance a macarena.
  • Zig Zagged: Kuro wants to learn shadow magic, but finds out that kind of magic doesn't exist. He sees another character manipulate shadows, but then realizes that character is using light magic. As it turns out, using light magic to remove light from the environment allows one to create shadows.
  • Averted: Kuro has no superpowers.
  • Enforced: "Let's make our Anti-Hero all cool and edgy... yes, shadows!"
  • Lampshaded: "So basically, you piss me off, I strangle you with your own shadow. Are we clear?"
  • Invoked: The god of night gives Kuro power over shadows.
  • Exploited: Since you can't cast a shadow without an active source of light, Kuro's enemies Kill the Lights as soon as he drops into a shadow, trapping him inside.
  • Defied: Kuro's archnemesis Bob lights the entire place they're about to battle in so thoroughly, Al can't find any shadows to use.
  • Discussed: "Look, fire, water, earth and air are overused and light is for all those goody two-shoes. I want to control darkness!"
  • Conversed: "He controls shadows and is not a villain? Weird."
  • Implied:
    • Kuro is always obscured by shadows, even when it shouldn't be possible.
    • Whenever Kuro is chased into a shadowy area, he suddenly just vanishes like a ghost.
  • Deconstructed: People associate darkness with evil, so they distrust Kuro.
  • Reconstructed: Kuro uses his shadow powers for good, slowly winning people over.
  • Played For Laughs: "Kuro, the fact that you're a shadow master or whatever doesn't mean you're allowed to dress like some Goth stereotype."
  • Played For Drama: "Kuro, the fact that you can strangle me with your shadow shouldn't mean that you can do whatever you please... so please don't hurt me."
  • Played For Horror: Kuro stalks an innocent (or villain) by hiding literally within the shadows on the walls. And there are shadows everywhere...

Stop Casting a Shadow, man! You're blocking my reading light!
