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Playing With / By the Power of Grayskull!

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Basic Trope: Superpowers are activated by voice.
  • Straight: Jack Clerk must yell "JACK POWERS, ACTIVATE!" in order to transform into his superhero form, Jack-Man.
  • Exaggerated: Alice must dramatically yell a 500 word essay, explaining in detail both her powers and backstory, in order to transform into her superpowered alter ego, Ms. Exposition.
  • Downplayed: Jack just says "Transform!" instead of a complicated catch phrase.
  • Justified:
    • (in an SF or hi-tech setting) Jack's powers are provided by nanomachines with voice-recognition, and he needs to activate them with a password locked with his voice.
    • (in a fantasy setting) Jack's powers need to be invoked by means of the right magical incantation.
  • Inverted: He has a catch phrase he can yell to turn back to his normal form.
  • Subverted: Jack strikes a dramatic Sentai-like pose and opens his mouth... just to announce he is ready to go. Then he just transforms without a single word.
  • Double Subverted: While his Transformation Sequence is happening, the screen goes white and we hear him shouting his catch phrase, after which we are presented the Jack-Man's superhero form.
  • Parodied: Jack has a sore throat and keeps yelling his catch phrase wrong, so the bad guys stand there patiently and wait for him to regain his voice before they fight him.
  • Zig Zagged: Jack learned to transform without a catch phrase, but this type of transformation is not easy to learn, so until he masters this technique, he says his catch phrase.
  • Averted: Jack has no ability to transform. Or he is not using any catch phrase to.
  • Enforced: The creators of "Amazing Jack-Man" desperately needed some catch-phrase for their series to advertise them and to sell "JACK POWERS, ACTIVATE!" T-shirts.
  • Lampshaded: "This shouting makes him stand out too much! What if Kcaj-Man stops him from saying it?"
  • Invoked: Jack quietly walks from behind Monster of the Week and shouts the catch phrase in his ear.
  • Exploited: Jack yells his catch phrase so loud that his friends can hear him from far away and always come at the right moment.
  • Defied: "I need to transform quietly, and as soon as I can."
  • Discussed: "What reason is for him to shout this nonsense? Can't he just say it quietly?"
  • Conversed: "Again with the shouting? I guess the writers wanted an excuse to avoid un-heroic sneak attacks."
  • Implied: The scientist responsible for creating technology that transforms people into superheroes states that, for now, this technology is activated by outside stimuli and his team is working under brain-powered activation.
  • Deconstructed:
    • While Jack is yelling his catch phrase, Kcaj-Man shoots him in the throat. Injured Jack is taken to hospital and survives, but with his vocal cords damaged and without any ability to yell his catch phrase.
    • Or Alternatively Kcaj-Man uses Jack yelling the catchphrase to easily track him down.
  • Reconstructed: In order to avoid attracting attention, Jack whispers the activation phrase, or does so privately (like in a phone booth).
  • Played For Laughs: Jack Clerk must yell something so ridiculous that he is embarassed to do this in public. Every time he needs to transform, he runs outside in a place nobody can hear him.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Jack Clerk's transformation catch phrase reminds him about his past, when he was a villain killing innocent citizens until he decided to stop this and became a hero. Until these days, he is actively trying to wash away his sins.
    • Jack Clerk's transformation catch phrase is "ALICE!", a little girl whose death he accidentally caused. He hates being reminded of it so much that he only says her name when he or someone else is in mortal danger.

