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Playing With / Brought Down to Normal

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Basic Trope: A superpowered character is rendered powerless or normal, but only temporarily.

  • Straight: The Amazing Adam is a superhero with the power to wield thunder and lightning. One day, his nemesis Emperor Evulz invents a machine which leaves him powerless. Adam then has to adapt to being a normal person without his supernatural abilities. He does however, end up getting his powers back by the end of the week, when he finds the machine and turns it off. Everything is back to normal after that.
  • Exaggerated: Depower
  • Downplayed: Adam's powers to control electricity are somewhat weakened by Emperor Evulz machine, losing the ability to create big thunder storms, but he still can create small balls of weak electricity in his hand. It takes two months before his powers are back to full strength.
  • Justified:
    • Adam has a Kryptonite Factor which causes him to lose his abilities.
    • Adam never wanted to be a superhero, and makes a Deal with the Devil on purpose to have them taken away for a week, just so he can see what its like to be a normal man.
    • Adam upset the person/mentor who granted him his powers, and decided to take them away as a punishment.
    • The Big Bad wants Adam out of the way so that his evil plans won't be ruined by him, and figures taking away his powers will be the best way of doing this. So, he decides to invent a machine that depowers a superhero.
    • Adams' powers are due to after-market addons to his Powered Armor. Due to a serious error in the computer, Adam is forced to run a full system reset. Afterwards, the armor no longer recognizes the new components due to a lack of drivers, and so they work in a minimal capacity (if at all). Adam can't reinstall the drivers either due to not having backups that weren't corrupted by the system error.
  • Inverted: "Flowers for Algernon" Syndrome
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • Adam manages to regain his powers, so this time the villain is a lot more thorough in getting rid of them.
    • The way Adam regains his powers is only temporary, and he goes back to normalcy all to soon.
  • Parodied: The most powerful man in the world becomes utterly helpless and incompetent without his superpowers, yet still saves the day through sheer dumb luck.
  • Zig Zagged: Adam has his powers suppressed by his nemesis Emperor Evulz' new machine, and regains them when it deactivates. However when Evulz tried using an upgraded version, it has no effect whatsoever on Adam. Then Evulz realizes he accidently discovered Adam's weakness with the last machine, designing nanobots to infect Adam and permanently rob him of his abilities. Not content to be normal, Adam decides to repurpose some of Evulz' old machines he collected into making Powered Armor. When Evulz designs an EMP specifically to permanently fry the armor, he forgot to consider his nanobots and Adam regains access to his thunder & lighting powers though is now weaker due to lack of use.
  • Averted: Adam doesn't lose his powers.
  • Enforced: The writers wanted to include An Aesop about how it's not strength that make someone special, but intellect and willpower.
  • Lampshaded: "Damn it. I used to be able to ride a thundercloud to wherever I wanted in seconds. Now I have to take the goddamn bus. And I've missed it."
  • Invoked: Evulz realizes that there must be a way to weaken his nemesis and goes looking for it.
  • Exploited:
    • Adam uses this as a opportunity to improve his resilience and wit, and sort out any over-reliance he might have with his powers.
    • After being depowered, Adam sees it as an opportunity to improve his fighting ability in other areas. Areas where Adam had previously neglected as being unimportant due to how effective his previous powers were.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Hey Adam, if your nemesis managed to rob you of your powers what would you do?" "Why do you always ask that question Ballistics Bob? Though perhaps I'll become an electrical engineer."
  • Conversed: "I get that people can be special without superpowers, but isn't it a little weird that some of these people even can be 'normalized'?" "Yeah, for example, Amazing Adam was born with his powers so having them is completely normal for him. Removing them would be unnatural."
  • Implied: Adam's old mentor Todd occasionally expresses annoyance with Adam, making comments like "I would of done that better" when going over Adam's failures. Adam sometimes replies back by asking things like "Then why don't you Todd the Thunderer do my job for me?", to which Todd just gets annoyed and dismiss him.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Emperor Evulz creates a machine to suppress Adam's powers, fed up with him unnaturally controlling thunder and lightning with his mind. However Adam quickly points out to Evulz that he was naturally born with those powers, and having lost them he now truly feels like a freak. Horrified, Evulz tries to restore Adam's powers but the machine completely ruined the genetic sequence that produced them, forcing Adam to live with a part of his self forever gone because someone else was unnerved by that part of him.
    • As is usual for the trope, Adam does get his powers back, but things don't snap back to how they were - he has a newfound sense of vulnerability that hinders his fighting spirit. He may even have PTSD from having had to live without an important part of himself, even if only for a short while.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Having lost his powers, Adam initially feels like a freak since they were such an important part of him. However, when he remembers he didn't become a superhero because he had powers but because he wanted to make the world better, he proceeds to help with the smaller things and even offer advice derived from his experience to the law & other superheroes so they can better deal with supervillians.
    • Thanks to professional help and support from loved ones, Adam learns to manage his trauma. Plus, his sense of vulnerability makes him more careful in combat, and drives him to develop his other skills.
  • Played For Laughs: Adam forgets he's lost his power and keeps trying to use them throughout the episode. Splaying out your hands and shouting a battle cry is pretty badass if a lightning bolt shoots out of your palms. If it doesn't, you just look stupid.
  • Played For Drama: Without his powers, Adam goes through Heroic BSoD and starts to wonder if he amounts to anything without his powers. He is also left more vulnerable to his enemies.

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