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Playing With / Brain Freeze

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Basic Trope: Someone clutches their head in agony after drinking a cold drink or eating cold food.

  • Straight: Bob drinks a cold drink quickly. He clutches in agony as his forehead is in pain.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob drinks a cold drink quickly. He promptly faints from the pain.
    • Bob drinks a cold drink quickly, and his head turns into a block of ice.
  • Downplayed: Bob drinks a cold drink quickly and winces a little, but it doesn't affect him.
  • Justified: Truth in Television. Blood capillaries in your sinuses involuntarily trigger pain receptors for your forehead after one drinks cold drinks.
  • Inverted: Bob drinks a cold drink and shivers violently as the rest of his body freezes.
  • Subverted: Bob drinks a cold drink quickly. Nothing happens, and he walks out of the room.
  • Double Subverted: Bob drinks a cold drink quickly. Nothing happens, and he walks out of the room. Offscreen, he screams in pain as brain freeze hits him full force.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob's favorite drink, Frosty Cola, contains a Surgeon General Warning that it may cause brain freeze.
    • Bob's head literally freezes into a block of ice when drinking Frosty Cola.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: The ice in Bob's cold drink melted before he drank it, making it too warm to cause brain freeze.
  • Enforced: Bob's actor, Charlie, is drinking a cold drink for a scene and ends up in pain. This scene is kept in the movie by the director.
  • Lampshaded: "Ouch! Why do I always drink these so fast?"
  • Invoked: Bob, trying to distract Alice, offers her a cold drink in hopes that she will drink it so he can make a quick escape.
  • Exploited: Bob sees Alice in pain after drinking a cold drink, recognizes it as brain freeze, and gives her a sensual head massage to help it go away.
  • Defied: Bob is about to take a sip of his cold drink, but notices it is too cold and adds hot water to it to make it warmer.
  • Discussed: "Be sure not to drink this too quickly, okay?"
  • Conversed: ???

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