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Playing With / Blob Monster

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Basic Trope: A shapeless, bloblike creature.

  • Straight: The Gloup is an amorphous creature that has bloblike qualities.
  • Exaggerated: The Gloup is a completely liquid creature with no solid form.
  • Downplayed: Though it has bloblike qualities, the Gloup is still a solid creature.
  • Justified: The Gloup is a colony hive mind.
  • Inverted: The Gloup is hard as stone, rigid, and immutable.
  • Subverted: What seems to be a bloblike creature... is really an illusory field.
  • Double-subverted: ...that is projected by a smaller bloblike creature that masquerades as the bigger "blob's" core.
  • Parodied:
  • Averted: The Gloup is a solid flesh-and-blood creature with a bone structure.
  • Zig-zagged: The Gloup is actually a shapeshifting creature, and a bloblike monster is one form that it can take.

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